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Marx 30s pressed steel Coupe with wooden gas cap.

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chevy59's loves985 of 1983Embossed Pennsylvania Tires...Tin SignHappy Easter !
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (88 items)

    I'm getting lucky at the local flea market the past few weekends, I've been getting things consistently (I usually come home empty handed). This came to me just today (what a happy Easter!) and I'm glad to have such a complete example. Usually the headlights or grille are lost, not to mention the little wooden plug that serves as the gas cap.

    Marx made several versions of these (as one might expect from a big, long running company), and were also used in/on the car transporter models of the same era. Really sleek design too, can't go wrong with that!

    6" long, pressed steel body and fixtures. The wheels and gas cap are wood.

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    1. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      Great find. What a great look!
    2. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      I think that's the fastest I've ever received a comment on anything, let alone two comments. 9:34PM, content posted. 9:38PM, two comments posted. Lol.

      Thanks everyone!
    3. trunkman trunkman, 13 years ago
      It is a super sleek look -- got everything going for it! Keep revving in up!
    4. ignatz ignatz, 13 years ago
      i have an almost identical car made in australia by wyn-toy,i reckon they got the press off marx or copied them,cheers paul.
    5. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      Trunkman, you can bet I will! ;)

      I'd love to see that car Ignatz! Lots of companies were copying other companies, but finding out who was copying who is part of the fun of collecting. Marx was well known for adopting designs from other firms, lots of older (20s -early 30s) European toys can be found in a very similar configuration... only with a Marx logo on it!

      You never know sometimes though; occasionally they used designs that were legitimately licensed under patents. See any of their climbing fighting tanks from the 30s/40s and you will see an example of this.
    6. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      Yeah, these don't come up as often as their Wyandotte style trucks of the same era. I'd never seen one in person until this one. Thanks for the love!

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