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Rare American Belleek BIRD Vase

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (14 items)

    . Click on the photo to enlarge it.

    Awesome 15" tall ceramic vase / pitcher / tankard made by Lenox with their mark that shows the artist palette, an L, and the word BELLEEK.

    According to this informative site -- -- Lenox stopped using this mark in 1926, so it's a little older than I originally thought. This piece is circa 1906-1926.

    The mark is Lenox's update to the CAC (Ceramic Art Company) mark. Mr. Lenox actually started CAC, and bought out his partners. The Lenox company is still in business. (Info from -- )

    All the other American Belleek pieces I have seen have been decorated with pretty flowers and realistic birds -- nothing as unusual as this graphic design. It has the dramatic blue/black bird on both sides, and is a very striking piece. There is an artist's signature/monogram -- TM -- I'd love to know who that was...?

    I picked this up recently at the Springfield Extravaganza Antique Show, for a bargain price. So it shows, you can still get the occasional deal at a show. This sits on display in my living room, and I just love it!


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    1. Dave68 Dave68, 15 years ago
      MsDow, what a great piece and, yes, isn't it fun when we find a DEAL!!
    2. retro597, 13 years ago
      Usually when initials it is a sold blank decorated by an individual not the factory. Even the factory artists are nearly impossible to trace since record keeping was so poor at CAC, Lenox, Ott and Brewer.

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