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James' new Cabinet for his tobacco cans

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (179 items)

    My mother sent me a neat Oak display cabinet she found and thought we would like. It worked out really well for some of my son's old tobacco cans. He has this displayed in his bedroom.

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    1. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      Very nice display!! That'll save on some dusting, lol.
    2. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 13 years ago
      thanks Michael, Tommy1002, Pop_abides and walksoftly
    3. xxmagsxx xxmagsxx, 13 years ago
      ooooh ..I love the way your displaying your collection !!..that is spectacular xoxo..( right now my stuff is everywhere )....I may have to start picking for display cases!!)lol xoxo
    4. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 13 years ago
      thanks xxmagsxx and thanks Bridget. James' little brother just went into his room tonight and looked at the cabinet and said "COOL!" it has been up for several days and he hadnt noticed it yet.

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