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Wooden World War I POW Shoe

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World War One547 of 687signed herbert hoover n howard heinz food aadministration letter Fourht Liberty Loan
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (241 items)

    This is a small wooden shoe that belonged to my wife's Gramma Rosie, who was born in Milwaukee but whose parents came to the U.S. from Germany before World War I.

    The type on the bottom of the shoe reads "Miniature wooden shoe made by a German Prisoner in a French prison W.W." She thinks it must have been labeled in English at some point before World War II, and that "W.W." must refer to World War I. Any ideas?

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    1. stepback_antiques stepback_antiques, 13 years ago
      You are probably correct. The paint pattern with the broad black lines is the same pattern the Germans used for camouflage purposes, painted on their helmets. The colors are different though.

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