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Victrola - Made by the Victor Talking Machine Co., of Camden, NJ

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (44 items)

    So, about fifteen years ago my wife and I found this in a local antique shop at a reasonable price and I had to have it. It worked just like it was brand new and I already had a few 78's that were the right period and type for it. I would crank it up and listen to it a couple of times a year, then one fateful day I was showing it to a friend and on the third crank I hear the sickening sound of the spring breaking loose. I took it apart and tried to repair the spring but was unsuccesful, very touchy annealing and rehardening process involved. There are replacement spring motor assemblies available but they cost more than I paid for the Victrola itself. Someday I'll get it fixed, in the meantime it's just a pretty piece of furniture.

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    1. REED, 14 years ago
      love the Victrolas..I own I refinished and posted on this website and a floor model I will be restoring
    2. Rocky Gregory, 14 years ago
      I have a night stand that says it is made by Victor Talking Machine Company, Camden, N.J., also a matching bed and dresser, but I can not find any info about furniture made by the Victor Talking Machine Company. Is there anybody who can tell me anything?
    3. Dan121156 Dan121156, 13 years ago
      Don't have one, but I just love these old phonographs....

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