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World War I Trench Art Shrapnel letter opener

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    This letter opener is remarkably similar to one posted by scottvez:

    It is almost 11 inches long. Engraved on the front of the blade is a monument with a cross on top and lions at the base, with the initials LG. On the back are the dates 1914 and 1918. On the front near where the blade connects to the handle (not visible in the photo) are initials that looked like IMT to me, but are probably JMT as shown more clearly in scottvez's item.

    A few relatives served in the US military during WWI, and I suspect one of them picked this up somewhere.

    Any idea of what the LG on the front refers to?


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    1. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Great trench art and certainly made by the same maker as mine. I wish that mine had a family connection like yours!

      Here is a link to mine:

    2. robertpaal, 12 years ago
      I can tell you that LG is the initial of a town in belgium Liège. I think but I'm not sure that this opener letter (or paper knife) was made in the arms factory shool of this town ("École d'armurie de Liège, Léon Mignon", "Rue Léon Mignon"). This school was, and still is, known worldwide for its weapons, and engravings on weapons, letter openers, paper cutting, military sword, and more.
    3. bkbk, 12 years ago
      Thank you, robertpaal, for solving that mystery. Really good information.

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