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Danish Modern Sculptural Wood Floor Lamps

In Furniture > Danish Modern Furniture > Show & Tell and Lamps > Mid-Century Modern Lamps > Show & Tell.
Wants!3 of 5Pair of funky 50's table lampsmy leather lamp
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (12 items)

    I just scored this pair of DM floor lamps from a local vintage store. They are 48" tall, so I can't tell if they're actually really tall table lamps. They have a chain draw-string and are three-way. These guys are probably my favorite Mid-Century score to date, barring a future CADO shelf unit find. Can anyone identify a maker or designer?

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    1. henrykip1, 13 years ago
      I LOVE these lamps, and have been fortunate enough to own one as well. It is actually a very tall table lamp, not a floor lamp. The shades on these lamps are just phenomenal. You never see them in that good of shape. I am not quite sure of the maker, because many different companies made this style lamp back in the day. I know what I sold my lamp for, and I think it would be safe to say you could get $450 for the pair. That is if you ever let them go! What a find!
    2. MYTHOS, 13 years ago
      Many thanks for the feedback. I'm pretty much in love with these lamps myself. I'm lucky they didn't burn up at the store during testing, as the bulb sockets were both stuffed with ancient pine duff. I assume squirrels were the culprits, as the bottom felt is still perfect. The woman who runs the "antiques" store combs garage sales for vintage items, primarily of the folksy variety. She didn't even bother cleaning it, and probably paid only a tenner for the pair. They had been there only 72 hours out of their decades-long attic slumber before I took them home. While badly balanced on carpet with their four foot height, I think they would also do well on wood floors.
    3. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
    4. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
      These are absolutely great! Wow!
    5. MYTHOS, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the info. Unless I can find a decent low-slung credenza, they're staying on the floor.

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