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Work Clothes (overall) BUTTONS

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (19 items)

    Work Clothes Buttons
    These buttons were made for the manufacturers of men’s work clothing during the early part of the twentieth century (1900-1935)
    They are 2-piece metal with brass tops usually, although white metal, often with a copper or bronze finish, was also used. Some were painted—usually black or red. The backs are of tinned steel which was actually made out of tin plate obtained from discarded tin cans up to about the 1st world war. They have a wire loop shank. A very FEW have a self shank.

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    1. Hunter Hunter, 13 years ago
      beautiful photo and display Peg! I particularly like the "Hunter" design from St. Joseph, MO.
    2. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      These are very nice, I have dug up several of those brands with my metal detector.
    3. PegsButtons PegsButtons, 13 years ago
      Hunter, thank you.... if I had a extra Hunter I would give it to you but alas this is my only one
      packrat..none of mine are dad used to have a metal detector and I went with him a couple times.. what a FUN hobby finding little treasures!
    4. Hunter Hunter, 13 years ago
      no worries - it gives me something else to hunt for when I'm out on the prowl!
    5. godpeace77, 13 years ago
      Do you know anything about the 'Breadwinner' button? I have one-actually, it may be my most favorite-but I've never been successful in finding any information about it. Thanks in advance. :0)
    6. PegsButtons PegsButtons, 13 years ago
      there is a booklet which is out of print now "Pictorial Overall Buttons" published by the National Button Society the society is working on updating the booklet which will have colored pictures. I have the out of print one and the Bread Winner button in it has those words and a picture of a man in overalls it dates 1900-1908

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