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Interesting Ceramic Glazes from the Past

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catteann's loves549 of 1078Carved Bowl, Beautiful Glazes~ w/ Partial Stamped Signature~Who might it be?studio (eye)  bowl
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (5 items)

    RUSKIN POTTERY Irredescent Bowl DATED 1920

    Glen Lukens, Blue Bowl

    Jacques Sicard Weller Pottery Vase

    Raku Tea Bowl

    Studio Art Pottery
    See all
    PETER VOULKOS Anagama Wood-fired Wall Plate
    PETER VOULKOS Anagama Wood-fired Wa...
    PETER VOULKOS TeaBowl AB EX, Studio Ceramics, '92
    PETER VOULKOS TeaBowl AB EX, Studio...
    JEFF SHAPIRO Ikebana Vase
    JEFF SHAPIRO Ikebana Vase...
    BENNETT BEAN Cylinder Vessel, Pit-fired, Colorful Art Pottery, Studio Ceramics
    BENNETT BEAN Cylinder Vessel, Pit-f...
    PETER VOULKOS Anagama Wood-fired Wall Plate
    PETER VOULKOS Anagama Wood-fired Wa...
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    1. inky inky, 13 years ago
      stunning colours, very beautiful!....:-)
    2. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
      Quadruple WOW!
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Beautiful Ruskin bowl and I adore that Raku bowl! And at the Sicard ........
      and thank you for introducing me to Missouri's Glen Lukens. He did glass too!
    4. dholdefer dholdefer, 13 years ago
      Glen Lukens (American, 1887-1967) Blue Bowl ca. 1930s
      Ceramic This exhibition celebrates the work of Missouri-born ceramicist Glen Lukens. At a time when American pottery production was dominated by design and decoration, Lukens forged new rough clay designs and discovered new glazes and glaze techniques. His work married bright colors to raw surfaces and pioneered a new approach to the ceramic vessel. Lukens’ innovations were a boon to the California dinnerware industry of the 1930s. He also worked with glass, paying special attention to the development of the vessels’ colors. An award-winning ceramicist and teacher, Glen Lukens helped change the way we see and interpret ceramics today. The exhibition Feeling, Thought and Spirit: The Ceramic Work of Glen Lukens pays tribute to one of America's innovative twentieth century ceramicists.
    5. dholdefer dholdefer, 13 years ago
      Does anyone know if Ruskin Pottery ever made "metal" bowls. The irridescent bowl above is very, very thin and very, very light...although I have been assured that it is "pottery"; it feels like a metal like copper. Anyone seen a Ruskin piece this thin and light??
    6. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      I've not heard of it. It is pottery. From 1901 William Nixon was recruited from Wedgwood as head turner. These potters were amazing at what they did: another factory that did this very thin ware on lustre pieces was Royal Lancastrian. Their thrower was a guy called E.T.Radford. The Howson Taylors were very fastidious about their glazes and the secrets went with them to their graves.
      You have some very lovely vases here.

      Read a short article here where a bowl like yours is mentioned :

      "The workers were encouraged to search the natural world around them for inspiration. It means that you have the colours of pink hawthorn in some of the glazes along with gorse yellows or a wonderful harebell blue. I have also seen glazes which suggest sloughed snake skins and the most beautiful purples, reminiscent of late afternoon light, on Ruskin eggshell bowls, almost too delicate to handle. "
    7. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      One other thing though: you will see the Ruskin name on the back of silver and white metal mounts of their cabochons that are brooches.
    8. dholdefer dholdefer, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the information...I guess it is time for me to believe what you and the seller have said, and stop believing what my eyes and touch say...

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