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Tlynnie1942's loves265 of 289Huichol  Native Yarn Art1880s SIOUX / CHEYENNE PIPE
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (664 items)

    Trevaise art glass was made very briefly in Sandwich, Mass. in 1907. The men who made Trevaise previously worked at Tiffany. Thus Trevaise is often listed as unsigned Tiffany. Trevaise was never signed.
    This piece is also similar to a model made by Quezal. But there are important differences : The Quezal pieces do not have the pulled in waist. The feathering is somewhat different and Quezal did not do the swirl decoration on the applied foot. The glass is a bit thicker than the Quezal examples. And virtually all Quezal pieces are signed.
    But you folks who know Trevaise might say where is the button pontil found on ALL Trevaise vases. The answer can be found in the extensive article found in the Sandwich Glass Museum Journal about Trevaise written by the then curator Kirk Nelson (2001).
    Mr. Nelson says (regarding these vases) " these vases are the only documented Trevaise pieces that do NOT have a button pontil because of the stems".

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    1. JJZ JJZ, 13 years ago
      FWF, glad you got it , the more you know and the older one gets the less regrets are worth it...congratulations!
    2. dasullywon dasullywon, 13 years ago
      Yup, this one has Tiffany written all over it (stylistically of course). Too bad they were only around for 1 year (Trevaise). I want to see more! How can I get a copy (or see) that Nelson article; Sandwich Glass Museum journal? Another reason to go back to Sandwich, Mass?
    3. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 13 years ago
      dasullywon : contact the Sandwich Glass Museum website. I believe they still have copies of THE ACORN VOLUME 11, 2001. The article with photos is titled " Trevaise, the Art Glass Orphan of Sandwich " by Kirk Nelson.
    4. dasullywon dasullywon, 13 years ago
      Great! Thanks LBs!
    5. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 13 years ago

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