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1952 old packard with original plates and title

All items240929 of 245666FIRESTONE 500 GIRLS BIKEBIG BEAM U-C Lite Manufacturing Co. No.111
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    it's a 1952 packard with black and yellow plates with original title, it was my fathers and now i have it stuck in my drive way i ws wondering on how much this type of vehicle is worth it need alot of work.


    1. Johnny, 14 years ago
      I sure wished I was able to acquire it. I'd be cleaning and shining on that car everyday. This would be so awesome to drive to the cruise-ins and local carshows.
    2. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      I'm so glad my husband can't see this. 2 door or 4 door?

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