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Antique Indian Motorcycle Neon Sign Mint

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    This sign came off what used to be the Largest Indian Dealership Back Back Back in the day. I have both signs the indian part and the motorcycle part. Together they measure 26 feet and around 3 feet high. They are neon signs and have been stored away in storage for years. I have NO CLUE on what the value is but if any of you guys do id really appreciate and information i can get. THANKS

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    1. YardSaleDave, 14 years ago
      That is one sweet sign, way up the ladder value wise. At the right auction, one specializing in vintage motorcycles, I can see it bringing 4, 5 grand or better.
      Nice find.
    2. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      WoW! What a RARE GEM! Don't let anybody cheat you for less then that!!!
      jsw14 is counting his money & comes up short!!! Hee Hee!
    3. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      Huge value! Dave is right, possibly more for a sign that old and that big.
    4. Etebelz, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the info guys!
    5. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      American Pickers would love it.
    6. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      American Pickers might not have that much money on hand for that peice!! LoL
    7. Outboard_signs Outboard_signs, 14 years ago
      Are you interested in selling the sign?
    8. cycles-past cycles-past, 14 years ago
      American Pickers would offer ya 100 bucks,.....hahaha,.....yea this sign should be in a Museum,.....the sqaure Indian Neon sign's sold for 25K and up
      I am Interested in it when the day comes
    9. cycles-past cycles-past, 14 years ago
      If these are the real deal 1920's-30's Indian Neon sign your are talking 50K and up ,...priceless really
    10. Jay, 14 years ago
      I will buy that sign. email me at

      I would love it for my shop.

      I would like to buy a old dealership neon sign also. In case someone knows of one.

      examples - Chevy, Dodge, Ford, Pontiac, Corvette, Mobil etc
    11. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 14 years ago
      Great Sign, if you decide to sell it, find a good specialty auction. You will get more for it when you have a couple dozen motorheads bidding against each other.
    12. JTeachout JTeachout, 14 years ago
      Great sign, love it.
    13. seeker1157, 14 years ago
      Awesome sign!
    14. MMM MMM, 14 years ago
      I'm in for 30K. Absouetely outstanding!!!
    15. cycles-past cycles-past, 13 years ago
      Is your name Chuck?,..I have been talking to someone about Indian sign just like this one,just was wondering if this is the same sign? from New York
    16. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      love the sign, we have a 1946 Indian chief that was rode into the garage in 1974 & never touched again. Hope to restore it soon. Mike
    17. signguybuyer, 12 years ago
      At least 40 to 50k. But if you wanna let it go for 5. Call me.
    18. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 11 years ago
      i agree w/ signguybuyer. i'd bet 30-60k.
    19. toycollectorsteve, 9 years ago
      i would do the five grand also,,it is a very valueable piece of history any collector would love to own,,
    20. Neonking Neonking, 8 years ago
      No idea on value, I guess what someone is willing to pay for it. Did you hang it up and light it up again?

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