Posted 13 years ago
(584 items)
This ¡s another old known vase of you, as I also posted within a group more than 5 months ago:
It is one of the unika Cascade pieces, and was lucky to get a simmilar one belonging to the same series, although in a different colour. I'll post thineas soon as I can.
Looks like a wrapped piece of candy! Is it me or does she look like she is leaning?
Well, at some point the colours are wrapping up the vase... in all Cascade items the direction of the coloured inclussions is always the same. And yes, the shape isn't really regular. I love the fact that the central ball sn't centered at all so depending on where you look at it form it looks like it's leaning. Per Lütken took full advantage of this and he even designed a series of vases/stemware in which he exagerates this leaning (,0-D10,3-S_RC_94_PL_3699-Per_Lutken_1994-1996-Unika_3699.jpg&w=270&h=389&ei=JNzMT6zLOcnF0QXGuejYAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=353&vpy=111&dur=587&hovh=270&hovw=187&tx=123&ty=155&sig=116408060262029818540&page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=99&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:74)
Tnaks LLL, Vet, Bellin and Mikko for your Loves
It's so ' edge of your seat ' beautiful.
Thanks for posting it.
Thanks Budek! I am glad you like it :)