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Gouda Plate -identification help please

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Pottery10830 of 12310Art Pottery VasesI BOUGHT THIS NEWCOMB COLLEGE VASE CIRCA 1923 AT A GARAGE SALE FOR .50 SATURDAY 6/15/12!!!!!!!!!
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (68 items)


    I would really appreciate any help to identify this 25 cm diameter plate. I found it in a Belgium flea market. It is quite stunning an kind of remind me of a tulip.



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    1. paulnot, 13 years ago
      sorry ..for got to ask... I really would like to find out how old it is as well.!
    2. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      It's probably 1920-1930 from how it looks and what I could find. There is a pitcher with what appears to be the same pattern here:
      There is a website of their pottery here :
      And you can try googling "Royal Goedewaagen" and check out the images to see if you can find out more about the pattern name, etc.
    3. paulnot, 13 years ago
      Hi China, thanks for the info and the link ... I agree, seems from the same collection.


    4. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Glad I could help a little! :-) Hopefully armed with that information you can find out when it was made. Or perhaps someone else on here will be more familiar with it and leave you a comment.
    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      I too have been looking for you. I'd add one thing at this stage about dating. The term "Koninklijk" was a Royal Warrant that was awarded to the factory by Beatrix in the 1930's. I've not yet been able to find out when that happened exactly: a work in progress. The body, the clay itself also changed in the fifties I think. That gives a fairly wide dating range, I know. The design looks modern but it fits into that period in Dutch ceramics after the Depression that they call the "Crisisgoed". With the Depression in the early thirties many decorators were put off. The design of the wares became paramount.

      Then you could contact the Goedewaagen Museum here :

      Names to play with are Willem Stuurman, J. Leen Muller & Frans van Katwijk.
      Stuurman briefly worked with Goedewaagen in 1939. But these three artists designed pieces that may well have influenced one of the designers at Goedewaagen in the creation of your cut-away plate. I love the 'orange' coloration of that cut away twirled piece on your plate.
      The ontwerpers who worked at Goedewaagen are listed at this site:

      It may well be that the designer of your plate is among them.

      Stuart & Kim of Goudanet are on sabbatical at the moment. It's not the moment to contact their site but have a look at their contributions here:

    6. chinablue chinablue, 13 years ago
      Way to go, vetraio50! :-)
    7. paulnot, 13 years ago
      Hi vetraio50

      thanks for so much info....really given me something to think about.

      much appreciated


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