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Unusual Art deco pocket watch lamp

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (2 items)

    I found this great art deco lamp in a PA antique mall. It is very heavy. It appears there may have been two shades/globes covering the bulbs at one time. Thanks to Johann for identifying this as a pocket watch lamp. My hopes would be to find period shades/globes for the lamp. Has anyone ever seen a lamp like this one?

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    1. JohannB JohannB, 13 years ago
      I think what you have here is a pocket watch holder. A pocket watch could be hung behind the round glass and then serve as a table or desk clock. Small lamp shades, probably in the shape of a flame, would cover the bulbs on each side. Nice little piece. It looks to be of cast white metal and could have been made by any number of manufacturers. These were popular from the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Value as is, $75-100. With period shades, $150. Thank you for sharing.
    2. ejyland, 13 years ago
      Thanks Johann! I never would have thought of a pocket watch being placed behind the glass... how interesting! Any idea of how difficult it will be to find period shades (or even reproductions) for the lamp?
    3. DrNessa DrNessa, 11 years ago
      This is right up my alley!
      I love these types of unusual lamps and collect them myself.

      Wish I had found it in a PA shop, I live there but never seem to find anything
      this cool in stores, only at estate sales......

    4. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Very beautiful!!
    5. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 11 years ago
      wonder how he got on? did you get a shade, would love to see it lit...

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