Posted 13 years ago
(52 items)
May I introduce my lovely Princess Child - a vintage 1960's Scandia Troll, with vivid blue spiral eyes and long shimmery rooted tresses? I love her very much. She is also my Research Assistant on the Doniphan project.
She is very pleased to make your acquaintance!
Thank you kindly, scandi! Yes, I think that this child is my favorite. She is so sweet, feminine, and gentle. She is very like my first troll, which was the first toy I remember asking my Dad for. He said "No"; my Mother said "Yes!" My first troll was a Scandia Troll and she had the same blue eyes, though she had pink mohair tresses. I am sending her to Washington with Spock. Best wishes for a splendid Sunday, scandi!!! Regards, miKKo
Hi, scandi. They make a good team. Princess exhibits excellent judgment and decorum, and she is brilliant. She also possesses magical powers, which I think will come in handy with those 38,000 pages. Mr. Spock can take frequent breaks at the Air and Space Museum. : )
Hi, kerry10456. Thank you kindly for loving Princess Troll!
I am now going to my safe place as my troll tolerance is becoming shaky...
Rainbows and butterflies...rainbows and butterflies.
Thank you kindly, AmberRose!!!
Hello Princes Child - you have very long hair. And I love your tutu.
Thank you kindly, vintagemad and flowerrose!!!
Flowerrose, Princess Child is pleased to meet you, and she loves your hair, too!
I think with such a gorgeous smile like that I can see why she would make you heart sing and I! would want to take her everywhere with me, I feel like I need to give her a hug!....((((((:-))))))
Thank you kindly, bratjdd!!! Princess is pleased to meet you, too!!! Princess said that she'll try to find the information you seek, though that it might take approximately 1,034 years to complete her research; if you can be patient, she might have the answer by then; ))
Hello miKKoChristmas11!
I found this site for you to help you with tips on how to look after your Hydrangea. Maybe your over head fan is burning the edges, is it near a window so it can get a bit of sunlight? I have to admit I do nothing to mine but water in summer and prune after the frost has finished, the dead heads are still lovely and shield the buds on the stem under them. Have you tried cutting a stem off and just sticking it in some soil, they are so!!! easy to grow. The farmers use them as hedges here, do nothing to them! and look glorious come summer. I will take a photo and post it on one of my posts to show you......:-)
Thank you kindly, BELLIN68!!! Hope your Monday is great.
Thank you kindly, Manikin and Luisa!!!
Thank you kindly, PhilDavidAlexanderMorris!!! miKKo
Thank you kindly, Hedgewalker!!!
miKKo, you should hook her up with your Spock doll, he would find her ears "fascinating". It would be hard to tell if they hit it off, until she started barking orders at him!!!!
Hi, mikielikesigns2. Princess Troll and Mr. Spock are excellent friends. She never barks - she is a perfect lady. She is magical, Spock is logical. They are dangerous together. But! Watch out for that faux Military Troll - he's major bad news.
Hi, scandi! Thank you so much for your very sweet message! Hope you are well and joyous! As for us, we promise to conduct our mischief in a responsible manner. I can't promise to carefully tend the hydrangea plant - that would be mendacious, as my tending has already killed it. )) : o Do, please, take care of yourself, Louis, and family!!! - a proper email tomorrow. Mikko xx
Thank you kindly, Marc112 and bratjdd!!! : )
Thank you kindly, Deanteaks!!! : )
Thank you kindly, Bellin!!! She's my favorite. : )
Love your troll dolls. I myself have a small collection, but they're not as nice as the ones you how by far. I have only three handmade ones from Norway, and approx. 15 from the Russ Berne & Co. Oh and one that says: NEANDERTHAL MAN
Hi, Kathycat! Thanks much for your kind appreciation of the Princess Troll, and the Pointy-Ear Patrol! I do so love these little creatures.
Would love to see your trolls! Wow - the Norwegian handmade trolls? are they wooden? They are generally wonderful. Oh, I can't wait to see them! : )
You're very welcome! I will put them on CW when I learn how to take good enough For some reason they are hard to get a good picture. (exspecially their eyes). The handmade ones are not wood they are made of latex and are hand painted. I bought '3' of them in "Disney World" ,Fl. Approx. 20-yrs ago. Sizes are: 9", 6" & 5 1/2". For the big one I paid $100.00 & the two small ones $40-50.
Oh, I can hardly wait to see them! I don't think I've ever encountered a handmade latex troll. As for the photos, I am a pathetic photographer. However, I did find a way to highlight the glass eyes on the trolls. I position the trolls so that the light strikes the eyes from the side. If your trolls have glass eyes perhaps this would help. : )
This blue troll haunts me. It never fades like other posts, just keeps appearing and appearing. Now you have it as your avatar...trying to scare me off miKKo?
Never, AmberRose! I look forward to your good humor, your kind and helpful comments, and your frequent loot. Love the Arabia dishes you found! Always love the Scandinavian art glass you find, and most of what you find, as a matter of fact. I really don't know how you guys manage to find all that Scandinavian glass. Nothing like that here - not one piece have I ever seen here in a thrift or second hand store here....Do you really own no trolls? : )
Thank you kindly, Manikin!!! : )
NO trolls allowed! I patrol the thrifts in the older parts of town, I think that helps on finding the good stuff. I used to like in the Swedish part of Chicago. I wish I had been more aware back then, I am sure I passed by a lot of good stuff. Ahhh well...
hope you are doing well miKKo, I always enjoy (most!) of your posts. Still find your Troll friend super scary ;)))
Thank you kindly, Luisa!!! : )
I remember the 1st Troll I got & this brought it back to me.
Thank you kindly, Alpha 1!!! Those old trolls were very special. Most of them were more 'delicate' than contemporary trolls. So glad that you had one and that my Princess Troll brought back good memories! : )
Thank you very much, chinablue!!! : ) I was talking to Scandi today about Southern women, and told her that we tend to be very particular about mayonnaise. May I ask what brand of mayo you favor, please? Thank you!!! : )
OK this is weird ... But how good did trolls smell when we first bought them new?
Hi, spiritinthesky3! Good to see you. : ) I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand
what you mean. Do you mean: 'I know that it sounds like a weird question, but do you remember how good trolls smelled when we first got them as children?' If so, I'm sorry, but I don't remember. I do remember that the old trolls had translucent skin - not like the flat matte plastic complexions of those made circa 1990's to today. (I don't speak of contemporary Scandinavian trolls. I don't have any. I have very few old ones, and about a dozen 1990's Russ trolls.) I do remember that the old trolls had either real mohair, lamb's wool (?), or rooted synthetic hair, and that they were very clean and vibrant and shiny. And that their hair was luxurious!!!!. I also remember that they were terribly expensive! I am 54 year old. The first toy I remembering asking my dad for was a troll like this (except that one had a mohair wig). The price was $5 then, so it would be at least $50 now, I think. My father said "no", my mother said "yes!" Middle class children didn't get as many toys back then as they do today, and I cherished my little troll. Perhaps that is one of the reasons we noticed everything about them, do you think? Anyway, thanks for visiting my troll. I really love this little Princess Troll. : )
Not 1990s ,Unfortunately ... I'm older in age then that! but yes they did have a smell..
Thank you very much for your kind appreciation, birdie and BHock45!!! : )