Posted 13 years ago
(348 items)
Here is a nifty little 'go along' accessory for my Palmer & Longking daguerreotype camera. It's a c.1850 gallery token issued by M.A. Root (Marcus A.) of Philadelphia. The earliest galleries advertised using 'broadsides' (small posters) and coin-like tokens. Most of these tokens are American Eagle coins with the gallery info stamped on the back.
Thanks, AR8Jason and JohnKratz.
Thanks, jimborasco and scottvez.
Thanks, purpledog.
Thanks, Hardbrake!
Thanks, officialfuel!
Thanks, ttomtucker!
This very well could be a 'Hard Times' token, the minted year seems right. Love it!
Thanks, tom61375! And yes, I too noticed the resemblance to 'hard times' tokens. Have you seen my other dag token? It's different and doesn't look like this one. Refer to: