Posted 13 years ago
(232 items)
I came across this purse at an estate sale this past weekend. I've seen alligator and caiman purses but not an armadillo purse. Looks like a football, or a loaf of bread. It is very rigid and someone's labor of love.
The hearts on the clasp are a nice touch:)
somebody brought one of these to show me the other day. it was a real fancy one and he paid a lot of $$ for it, but his girlfriend was totally grossed out by it so he kept it. they are still made, but can cost $3oo-500 new for good ones. this is a nice one. well, not nice for the armadillo, nor the girlfriend...
Thanks for your reply, ho2cultcha (great name). I have found that they are considered serious taxidermy. They seem to be all over EBay at all different prices. I thought I would wear mine out on Halloween:)
Does it taste like chicken?
ONLY IN TEXAS! When I used to live in Sud de Etats Unis, we thought their natural stance on the side of roads was on their backs with all fours sticking up. never ate one. Never wanted to. Did eat a lot of those frog legs & even beaver(flat-tailed variety mostly). Beaver is like a fine grained tender beef with a good taste.
That's funny blunderbuss2,
The only time I ever saw a live armadillo was in Forida. It stood so still I thought it was a statue. The it jumped straight up about 2 feet and took off into the brush. Scared the life out of me!
cindy, what you saw was "pre-roadkill".
The 9 banded armadillo in Mayan History is a God, He would grow and become a large bench and the Mayan Chiefs would discuss the moon, sun, and seasons for planting corn. If the chiefs became arrogant the Armadillo would buck them off! This was famous story the Mayan children loved. I LIVED in Texas for a year! My friends there said running over them in a vehicle was fun?! They said it sounded like running over large bag of Potato Chips!!!
Interesting story, thanks! I don't think I would want to run over any animal, especially Lays Baked Armadillo!
This the most amazing thing or critter shall I say-Never seen anything like it here in Australia-Cane toad purses and kangaroo scrotum Key rings and purses are the only things we really see here-
Gotta love this site
I am addicted
I agree Attwood, it is addictive. Scrotum purse? Now that is a bit weird1
Doesn't that make you cringe cindy! Could send some over to ATTWOOD, but they have already seen what happened when rabbits & cats were introduced.
Still trying to picture that.