Posted 13 years ago
(2 items)
I have looked in all my reference books and can't seem to find anything like the shape of this piece. Texture, pontil seems to be that of whitefriars. Color seems to be lilac? Is this a piece of Geoffrey Baxter? Wild Deco shape. Measures 10" tall by 4" at widest point. Any help would be appreciative.
While I can confirm that it is 100% not Whitefriars, I'm afraid that I don't know who made it or even if it's modern or vintage.
I suspect that judging from the base, it's modern. Maybe from TK Maxx, I know British Heart Foundation used to sell similar textured vases as well a few years ago.
The pontil mark wasn't exclusively used by Whitefriars, it's merely where a pontil(iron rod) was attached to the base so that they could do the final shaping etc on the item :-)
I forgot to say, you can check out Baxter's textured vases etc on :-)