Posted 13 years ago
(758 items)
Two years later and I can mark this one as finally solved!
This morning on CW I found a couple of pieces that distracted my attention and got me back on the path of Klaas Vet and his brother Jacob.
The Veet brothers had begun a factory of same fame at Purmerend in 1903. But a fire in the factory closed them down in 1906. They moved to Arnhem and continued with their designs used at the earlier factory. Klaas Vet designed the shapes and others came up with the designs: Dirk Straus, Philip Lagrand & Philip van Praag. In 1917 Willem Hartgring joined them.
This pattern is called Decor : 889
The mark just reads in script 201 / 889 and printed Made in Holland.
The rooster mark was not used.
Many thanks Sean B.!
Charming vase!...Thanks again for the escargot recipe. I saw from your comments that you didn't know that they were cooked alive. As a child I was invited to dine at a neighbor's home on my birthday. She showed me an oval granite ware 'roasting' pan with a number of large snails - very much alive, and soon to go into the oven. Worse even that being boiled alive. I've never forgotten it. Another invitation was for lamb eyes cooked in honey. At least the lambs were dead when their eyes were harvested. I never ate dinner with that family, though I did sometimes snack with them on stuffed grape leaves and fabulous rugelach, but never lunch or dinner.... Thanks much for your kind understanding. I really appreciate it, sir!
And thanks to you miKKo! These people seemed like they had been reading Suetonius.
Many thanks Amber!
Many thanks Mani and Tonino too!
Busy with Mum today, m8!
Many thanks againg young Atlanta mate!
this vase is probably made by a factory called arnhem named after the city arnhem they were known for using these colours,nice piece good luck!
Many thanks artislove!
Really love this one!
Many thanks nldionne!
You're welcome, really do love this one.
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT !
Well done!...I bet you are pleased!...:-)
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE!
Many thanks ANNELANDERS!
Many thanks JENSEN!
Many thanks Re In VINTAGE !!!!!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!!!!!
Many thanks THOMAS !!!,!!!
Many thanks AURA & ANNAB !!!!!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!!!!