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IVORY 19th Century Hen & Rooster Straight Razor

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (217 items)

    Found this a while ago. I was told by a razor guy that he had only seen a handful of the old Hen & Roosters, and never in ivory, so I think its a pretty good one! Anyone else collect razors?

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    1. Stillwater Stillwater, 13 years ago
      I've got another razor I'm going to post, scales are like 9 inches long and the blade is 12/8, looks like it was used for shaving HORSES or something. Its old too, 1800's. Ever heard of something like that before?
    2. Stillwater Stillwater, 13 years ago
      Thank you! Yeah I know, I've never seen ivory tang scales before!
    3. Stillwater Stillwater, 13 years ago
      Its got a leather case though, so it apparently it was intended to be used. No one on knew anything about it, but lots of people wanted to buy it. It might be a while before I go back to my other house where its at. I'll letcha know!

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