Posted 13 years ago
(10 items)
I picked up a couple of these chairs at an auction and have not been able to find any information about them. I would appreciate any idea any of you may have. the two pictures on the left are mine, the one on the right is the only other image I have been able to find. This one is also unidentified. My first guess was French 1940s but who knows?
I have a pair of these with a matching table, they are an american company, but the tag on has "made in usa" left, so I cant tell you the name of the company. sorry, but at least you know they are american if that matters at all. are you selling these?
@blackange164 Thanks for the info. I was told they probable were American, but I had my doubts. Do your chairs have arms? neither of mine do.
To answer your question; No, not selling, I really like them a lot. enough to keep them anyway.
the sofa has arms, the armchairs do not.
@blackangel64 It's been a long time but I finally found the manufacture of our chairs. You were right it is an american company they are made by the" Troy Sunshade Sculptural Company". Just thought you might want to know.