Posted 13 years ago
(649 items)
This piece proves the rule that good things come to those who wait. This package from Austria languished in US Customs for over a month before it got to me, but wow, was it worth it! Just over 14" tall, this fan vase by Rindskopf is an example of how attention to detail at the furnace can take a colored piece of glass from ordinary to sublime. I'm still trying to figure out the color of the ground on this vase - believe it or not, I think it's like a dull bluish-grey. The iridescence on this one is what really sets it apart. From a deep violet at the top to an intense blue at the bottom, the color changing iridescence on the corrugated form brings to mind another word that I often use in referring to Rindskopf - organic. This is one of the largest Rindskopf vases I own, and it is currently an absolute favorite!
Wow. Gorgeous, intriguing, mesmerising - you're challenging my vocabulary of adjectives and indeed superlatives!
I know, Al - impossible - remember those two striated I posted a while back? The variations from vase to vase are pretty amazing.
The (base) glass color is very interesting, and I can see that the iridescence on this vase is wonderful. This one goes on MY watch list! Great find!
Just beautiful!
Super rare decor. I had one years ago that was damaged and never found another. Congratulations on your find.
I have the same Vase, only half the size, same iridescense, the base glass colour is definitely (light) purple when looking against some light.