Posted 13 years ago
(52 items)
A World War II photo found among my Grandmother's possessions. My father served in the U.S. Navy during the war, and though he kept very few mementos of his wartime experiences, he perhaps sent this to my Grandmother. She was a friend of a Priest who had served as a Chaplain in the Belgian Army during World War I, and though this Chaplain friend was deceased by the time the United States entered WWII, his memory was cherished....I present this photo in thanksgiving for the great generosity of Military Chaplains everywhere, especially for these two fine Chaplains pictured, and for their valiant liberators -the 2nd Armored Div., U.S. Ninth Army! 4/11/45
"A Belgian chaplain, left, and a French chaplain, prisoners for five years at the Nazi Camp in Hollendorf, congratulate each other upon being freed by the 2nd Armored Division, U.S. Ninth Army. ETO 4/11/45"
Message is preceded by a faded number, which might be "SC 203413-S".
Thank you for looking!
Nice miKKo !!
Nice miKKo !!
Thank you kindly Hedgewalker, vetraio50, and Manikin!!! : D
Thank you kindly, Bellin68!! : )
Thank you kindly, fitter475 and trunkman!!! : D
they had much to be thankful for.
Thank you kindly, mikielikesigns2, petey, and AmberRose!!! : )
Yes, mikielikesigns2, they had much to be thankful for! I am sure that these Chaplains prayed their heads off for Allied military men during their five years of captivity, and I think it rather likely that they remembered their liberators with deep gratitude and prayers until the day they died. Do you remember the Capuchin Priests at St. Anne's in Broken Arrow? They came to Oklahoma after WWII. The mighty Oklahoma Thunderbirds had liberated them from a Nazi concentration camp. They sought to express their gratitude by service to Oklahomans. I knew one of them well, saintly Fr. Robert Dabrowski, OFM Cap. He was very grateful....miKKo
WOW miKKo, no i had'nt heard of them, but i will research it on google. Where do you live now?
Hi, mikielikesigns2! Just saw your posting. The elder generation is deceased, and most of the remaining order who served in OK have returned to Poland, I think - somewhat recently. None are still at St. Anne's. Now, there was also a wonderful American-born priest in the order, and he was Pastor of St. Anne's at one time. I think that his name was Fr. Norbert. The last I heard, he was serving as a prison chaplain somewhere in Northeastern OK. He is a very devout Capuchin, and a fine scholar - Doctor of Sacred Theology, Rome I think. I don't know where he is now. As for where I live, well I live out a bit, a good distance from Tulsa. I would have no problem with you knowing where I live, but I prefer not to post it on the internet for security reasons. Thanks much for your understanding. miKKo
Thank you kindly, walksoftly!! : )
Thank you kindly, inky, Chrisnp, and purpledog!! : )
Hi, purpledog! Thanks so much for your very kind comment and appreciation! miKKo
Hi, mikielikesigns2. Very sorry if I sounded 'dismissive' when I declined to ID on the internet exactly where I live! If the peach trees were still full of fruit, I would have invited Mrs. mikielikesigns2 and yourself down to pick yourself some peaches. However, because we communicate on the internet, I would have said something like, 'meet me at the Peach barn at ...... and I'll show you the way to my place'. Thanks for your great courtesy, sir! miKKo
Thank you kindly, scandinavian pieces!!! Hope that your Saturday evening is splendid! : )
Thank you kindly, bratjdd!!! Good to see you - how are you faring in these brutal heat waves? Hope you're just 'splendid'! miKKo
Thank you kindly, toracat!!! : )
Thank you kindly, PhilDavidAlexanderMorris!!! : )
Thank you kindly, kerry10456!!! Good to see you - hope you're doing well! : )
Thank you kindly, Deanteaks!!! : )
Thank you kindly, Luisa!!! : )
Thank you kindly, birdie!!! Yes, I find it very moving, too. I cannot imagine what it must have been like as a Nazi POW!
Thank you very much, Alpha1!! : )
Thank you very much, bratjdd!! : )
Thank you very much, wolcott1!! : )
Thank you very much for your kind appreciation, Vestibule1965!!! : )