Posted 13 years ago
(349 items)
Daguerrian tokens are difficult to find and I managed to acquire two nice examples recently. Shown here is a fine c.1850 token for M.A. Root's gallery also noting that he won a 'first premium' award for his daguerreotypes.
This is the same gallery mentioned in the "Daguerreotypist" story in my other CW post at:
I too like photo ephemera-- I don't collect the cameras, but this type of item looks great with antique images as well.
Thanks for sharing,
Thanks mrcolorz!
Thanks, Scott ... I agree these go great with antique images!
Thanks officialfuel, JohnK, and packrat-place!
Thanks, f64imager!
Thanks, aghcollect and vetraio50!
Thanks, SpiritBear!
Thanks, ttomtucker!