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mikielikesig…'s loves169 of 1457 1940's Bendix Catalin Tube Radio Model 526-C from 1946Hemmingrey Insulator #9
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (219 items)

    Went to a Garage Sale a few weeks back, had listed Records in sale so thought I would give it a shot. Older man had a milk crate with albums and to my surprise some good ones as well. Price .25 cents each. Well I grabbed 90% of the crate and paid the man. Walked to my truck and loaded them up but thought I should look at some pottery he had. To my surprise the fellow walks out his basement door with hand full of records and refills the crate. Once again I'm looking and stacking when the man says 'If you like more I have some in basement" Well took my New stack and headed in "Motherload of Soul" !!! Price .25 cents each. I'm a Happy Record Collector!!!! This Ike and Tina was in the stack, and its in very very good condition, like

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    1. MattyG MattyG, 12 years ago
      Awesome find for .25c Dave !!!!

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