Posted 13 years ago
(728 items)
This is really beautiful oil painting large at 24" X 20". I believe Ilona Rittler died last Nov. at age 93. she painted this in 1970, Emmitt Kelly 1898-1979. She was commissioned to paint "Chief Seattle" for the wedding gift of King of Sweden, She lived in state of Washington and had an art school making many artist very successful.Ilona A. Rittler
Guest Book
"I was fortunate to know Ilona and attend her classes for a..."
- Keri Thompson
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Ilona A. RITTLER Ilona A. Rittler, internationally renown artist and long time Bellevue, WA resident passed away on December 31, 2011 at the age of 93. Born in Hungary, she came from a family where art was handed down through generations and cherished by all. Ilona was the last of five sisters, all acclaimed painters and sculptors with their own individual styles. Her talent became apparent at an early age, by age 14 she was already an accomplished painter. After completing her formal academic and fine arts education in pre World War II Europe, Ilona continued to study under various painters of the time in Budapest, Salzburg and Rome. She established and operated the Exhibitors Gallery and Ilona Rittler School of Fine Arts on Main Street in Bellevue for over 50 years, actively teaching and painting until she passed away at age 93. Painting was Ilona's life and it gave her joy to share her inner creative fire with others. In her School, spanning over a half century, Ilona and her staff taught thousands of students both professionals and amateurs of all ages, thus her passion became their passion. She was a major force in promoting art through art exhibits, judging, lecturing and sponsoring promising artists. Ilona was a master of all media. Her paintings, spanning three quarters of a century, are repre sented in private and public collections throughout the world. She adored the beauty and the rich heritage of the Pacific North west. The painting excursions, hiking, skiing, kayaking, visiting the Cougar Mountain Zoo, antique shopping and other adventures with her dear friends gave her joy and strength. To commemorate her talent, love of art and compassion for the natural world, the Magic Forest exhibit at the Cougar Mountain Zoo in Issaquah has been named in her honor. Ilona Rittler's inner fire, incredi ble talent, exceptional life and great accomplishments give all of us who have known and loved her inspiration and strength to travel the highway of life. Sign Ilona's online guestbook at
I have an Emmit Kelly painting too! Love it!
Thank you!
You are very welcome sir! I really enjoy your collection, AMAZING!!!!! =)
I talked to her by phone and we mailed letters! She was a very special, talented woman!!