Posted 13 years ago
(3 items)
From a coral cameo I had once, I made researches and found out it was the portrait of Eschyle, the famous greek writer.
Then I restrung it on a 3 strands vintage deep red coral beads necklace and add 2 antique drops. Sold now to a collector.
Can we imagine that artists in Torre del Greco carved some others famous greek faces?
As anyone can see, the cameo is a clasp, interesting isn't?
...OnlyVintageCoral... I love
Is the beard a bit too long for "Aeschylus"? Perhaps Poseidon? But it was a wonderful piece, thanks for sharing it with us. I'll put my coral necklace on CW soon.
Does someone know him :) maybe a more updated photo ?
I mean the facial features speak for itself, Poseidon would have been carved for some marine instrument, IMHO.
"Aeschylus" you are right, Eschyle is in french.
Anyway one-of-a-kind definitely.
Socrates on the left would be my guess.
Hum, Socrates's nose does not match the coral carving
Aeschylus is the winner so far
All suggestions welcome
For the reference of others who may look at this long after it was posted, as I am doing, the gentleman is Saturn. The narrow oval does not leave much space for it, but you can just see part of the blade of his scythe over his right shoulder. He may at one time have been the Saturday panel of a Days of the Week bracelet:
Great piece, and great sleuthing, Cameosleuth :-D