Posted 13 years ago
(123 items)
I believe that this is a Kralik piece it is quite an impressive one and takes up a lot of space in my display case . (I don't mind this !) .
The mottled green Bakelite stand is not the original I married the two pieces because (A) It fitted and (B) . it displays well.
Probably from the factories Deco out put.????
Wondrously, fabulously wonderful!...:-)
Thanks for the Loves mrmajestic1 and czechman . And carlm down !! inky!
I've owned this for a while but just discovered that my images where hidden away on the net after being errazed some time ago when the old computer decided to die.
OH MY! I think it should move to Coffs!!
I thought you already lived there???
Yes and your bowl should come live here too LOL
Sorry slave to glass , not just yet ... But may have to part with all (eek !) my collection some time as my wife is probably takeing ( an almost forced ) early reirement.
I am always looking for a nice original (holed) bowl like this since I have a bronzed stand that would display it well. However, I must admit that those greens match very well in a strange appealing way. RER(BOB)
I remember this stunner!!!
Hi Marty. This is beautiful. I love the 'icing' crackle effect. Is it uranium glass do you know?