Posted 12 years ago
(349 items)
More Kodak covers from their consumer line of catalogs. Left-to-right: 1899, 1904, and 1915. Kodak's creativity and imagination is simply marvelous.
The 1899 cover celebrates the first 60 years of photography with an illustration of Daguerre (he invented the first commerically successful photographic process in 1839).
These covers are from the Kodak Catalog Project - refer to the following CW URL for more information:
Thanks Lisa, mustangtony, officialfuel, and AR8Jason!
That third photo is wonderful. I'd not seen that image before! Thank you for sharing these!
Thanks Hunter, mrmajestic1, and vetraio50! And yes, I agree the third image is special.
Thanks Phil and BELLIN68!
Thanks ho2cultcha, jlillywh, and finnfemme!
Thanks, mustangtony!
Thanks, aghcollect!