Posted 13 years ago
(256 items)
this pig was made when i was born. it will turn 50 in a couple of weaks It was made in a style and color range that was common in the part off the netherlands my dad came from Friesland, its called kerfsnede-aardewerk this techniek is already in use since the middle ages.
it was made by a co-worker off my mother.
A beautiful money-box. It is similar to the "Velsen Sassenheim" of Gerrit Dijkstra that I love too. It was made for you? What a wonderful birthday present! An "Unika"! Where did your Mum work? And she brings over pieces of Tapio's cut glass pieces too. Now who's a lucky lad!
that's a lovely tradition! and the pig is beautiful in itself
Relate this piece to Budek's new posting.
Dear VLKMA, what a beautiful piece this is, even more so with it's history.
Thanks for sharing it.