Posted 13 years ago
(153 items)
Here is my 1916 Tiger Oak Mail Sorter. This was made by Jacob Beitzel & Sons and dated 1916 as printed in black ink on the bottom rear of the case. The sorter has 216 mail slots and all the slats are wood. The back is closed off with a steel mesh grating. Size is 82"H x 36"W x 21"Deep at the bottom and 8" Deep each mail slot.
I'm not sure if this was used in Post Office or Hotel?
I never thought of that, GOOD IDEA!
Thank you for the LOVE(-:
Thank you for the love, we all need some at times.
Thank you for the LOVE(-:
Thank you for the love
I am old enough to remember these and they were in our post office when I was a bit younger. Being a small town there were only so many post office boxes to rent. You had a three digit combo lock on the box when you got one. If all the boxes were rented to other people then your address was " General Delivery" and you got a slot in one of this type units. Our post office put your name on a piece of masking tape and stuck it at the bottom of your slot. That was a few years ago....OK many, many years ago.