Posted 13 years ago
(728 items)
Hello I bought this at online auction, I think most people did not want it! All they said is possibly Artesian Rose Gold, They said Hallmark was unreadable, Chain is 22 inches, and pendant is 1 1/2 inch by 1 inch. I have no idea of when it was made or where it was made and what it means. It is on the way to my house now! Any information would be appreciated. Thank you toracat Well a friend of mine solved this! It is a pipe tamper! below you can read the Auction listing! and how inky solved this! Thanks inky!! looks like Notre Dame gargoyle!!!
Do you think it might be an old smoking pipe tamper....:)
You might be right! The auction place advertised it as Cross with beast! I like it kind of! thanks!
I think you are right! toracat
Absolutely Rare & unique upside down cross pendant w/ beast dog. Necklace. We do not
inky you are 100% right and auction was wrong! I am glad as no jinx will be put on me! haha toracat
inky you are a genius! I for some reason do not think the chain was made same time as the tamper, I think it is quite old, will arrive early next week! thanks again!! toracat
inky I changed top of story!! please read!! thanks again! After it arrives I will take new photo and try to read hallmark!!
I am more!!!! pleased to think that I have averted a jinx that might have been placed upon you!...:-)... but! also that we have solved the mystery. I am really looking forward to seeing better photos when you receive it....till then..stay safe..:-)
Thanks!! hey inky is that a cat, auction said dog! but looks like cat to me! again thanks, Take care!
Hi it is a pipe tamper, yes, I am sure it is. What kind of animal is it, Auction said dog, (see above) they also said it may be Artesan Rose Gold. They said could not read hallmark? I am hoping it is gold!! I wanted it and thought I paid a lot for it, I paid $67.00 which is more than I usually would, but I liked it
To me it it looks like a gargoyle. It has been suggested that the purpose of gargoyles were to scare away evil spirits. and since yours is in a shape of the cross ...very intriguing...:-)
If you google gargoyle and have a look at the 'images' you will see what I mean.
I have found an interesting site and if stroll down there is on that looks similar to yours.....:-)
I thought gargoyle also!! When I was in Paris at Notre Dame Cathedral it was raining and the water from roof came out the gargoyles mouths!! Used as drain pipes! toracat maybe French?
inky google notr dame gargoyles and see images! toracat
New photos! It came Sat. I do think it may be rose gold, but I like it either way, no markings on chain, and if square on beast is hallmark I can not read it, so I just put them in boiling water for few minutes and this is how they look.
I believe this is rose gold and chain is old rose gold but clasp is yellow gold and added later!
I was just studying this as a pipe tamper and I have an old pipe, it will not go down inside as the arms of cross will not let it? How big were openings on pipes years ago? maybe not a pipe tamper?
I was thinking more, if you fill pipe to the top of rim then you could tamper down about 5/8"?
Hello toracat...tampers were used for pressing tobacco down in your pipe before lighting once you had filled it, if you look most of them were quite short like the one you have... if it is a tamper!!!.... I think it may be but if some weighed in and confirmed it, or not!! that would be good!...great fun researching though isn't it?....:-)
I think and hope it is a tamper, I believe it is for sure! thanks to you!! I have so much fun researching and with friends like you and others, it is much easier!! thanks again!! I sure would like to know where and where it was made! but may never know!!
That's just it!!!!.. you never know!!.. keep looking and you will come across something similar, and you will!.. I'm sure of it!....:-)
so true!!
what is date of early times of clay pipes? I would enjoy knowing! thanks a lot!!
WOW thank you very much, no way of knowing what country? I guess you are a great help! toracat
Oh!!!!! toracat how exciting!!..:-) I am thrilled to have come along on this journey of yours, I am soooooo!!!!! pleased for you!...:-)
Thanks to you! not too many gold pipe tampers in the world, I will put in saf deposit box! haha A friend said he raid about natl. pipe museum in Holland, maybe I will look and send photos to them! take care!! toracat
I am happy no matter how old! It has been fun learning about this! Thanks to all that have helped in this! toracat
Thank you again!
That is close to same size! thanks! and a cross!
Toracat, this is a replica of an ancient piece of Icelandic bronze age jewelry that was found in an archaeological dig. I very nearly bought the same piece myself a number of years ago in Denmark. It symbolizes Thor's hammer, shaped like a cross (a symbol which slowly became more prolific in jewelry of the age), whose handle terminates in a Dragon's head.
They are still being produced in bronze, gold, silver etc. Here is a photo:
Yes, as Hems303 has alluded to... its worth having it tested once it arrives toracat, so you can determine the metal for certain. The pink blush in some of these pictures may suggest a base metal which has been plated. Whatever the case - its something to be enjoyed for its historical significance, and as a piece of quirky jewellery!
the mystery continues! it does look like a gorgyle!
Did you read my posts 36 & 37 above, toracat? Its been identified as a replica piece of Bronze Age jewellery.
Yes and I will take to local gold place here and have tested, but looks like gargoyle exactly to me, see new photo. I also have watch chain old that is plated and it is missing spots here and there. Why would someone have new gold clasp added later? it may be a fake? I do not know? I will try to post auction on here.
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~Artisan Rose Gold? Cross Beast Pendant Necklace~ (11301987)
Currently $67.60 USD
Item ID # 11301987
Quantity 1
Click any thumbnail image to enlarge
Absolutely Rare & unique upside down cross pendant w/ beast dog. Necklace. We do not know if it is Genuine Amber, but it appears to be. Necklace 22” approx. in length. Pendant is 1” by 1.5” approx..
Good decent condition
Not readable
I paid $67.00 more than usual! I have had $500 worth of fun and learning!!
AMBER! wow why they say that? they were confused about this piece
Yes, it appears they were doing a fair bit of guesswork themselves, and/or they had copy/pasted some info from a previous listing, and forgot to change some of the details.
Anyway, heres a link to the museum shop that produces these replicas.
The 'Legend of La Gargouille' (AD 631–641) referred to a beast with bat-like wings, a long neck, and the ability to breathe fire. So we are basically talking about the same thing. Dragon = Gargoyle.
All the best.
I believe this is original, you know how something just feels right, looks right, the auction was a goodwill store auction, they have no practice in researching, they get everything wrong sometimes. Now more people watch, awhile back I got a nice gold necklace with ruby and little diamonds, cheap, it is real, and I got a gold ring with 2 emeralds and 3 seed pearls with 1900 on inside of ring, art nouveau. I will post themj.
Hi again,
Respectfully, I'm not sure what you mean when you say you believe this piece is original? Original to whom? The Vikings?? :)
I'd guess yours is an older replica of the very same museum piece... perhaps created by another jeweller/manufacturer.
It would be helpful if there was some way you could photograph the hallmark, or at least the area the hallmark is made visible.
The replica is not like mine, it is different, until I see exact, I will believe in mine, it is not a dragon, it is much thinner and intricately made. That is just me speaking, by looking at it. I will test it but they make repros in gold also, well if it is gold, I got a good price! If not gold, I still like it, I sent photos to Amsterdam pipe museum, I will post if they get back to me! again thanks for the help!
I will try to photograph where the hallmark is and post it. I am now getting tired of this a little, not so much fun!
New photo
Do excuse my offering to help you identify this piece.
I do not wish to tire anyone out, nor suck the fun from the room!
I leave my findings with you, and shall refrain from commenting again.