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1950's Royal Crown Cola Neon Clock...Cleveland Clock

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (190 items)

    Royal Crown Cola Neon Clock from the 1950's. This awesome clock came out of Muncie, Indiana last week. I love the bright pink neon ring around it, it really sets off the man cave at night . Thanks for looking!

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    1. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Awesome pick Chevy59!!

    2. kerry10456 kerry10456, 12 years ago
      Need a "Double" love click. Great Pick. Thanks for sharing!!!
    3. trukn20 trukn20, 12 years ago
      Sweet neon chevy!
    4. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you Michael, kerry10456, inky, and trukn20 for the love and comments!
    5. Signaholic Signaholic, 12 years ago
      chevy, this clock is really a great pick! If you think Coca Cola ones like this are hard to find, these are even harder to find. I'm gonna guess late 50s to early 60s even.
    6. rustyboltz rustyboltz, 12 years ago
      nice pick. very rare clock! never seen one before.
    7. sanhardin sanhardin, 12 years ago
      Love the pink. The color really stands out! Beautiful clock!
    8. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thanks trukn20, signaholic, rustyboltz, and sanhardin, for the love and nice comments.
    9. Trey Trey, 12 years ago
      Awesome clock, great find!!!
    10. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thanks Trey for love and comment!
    11. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thanks chrissy, fifties50, and bellin68.
    12. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you leighannrn, egreeley1976, and jbcollector for the love!
    13. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you pw-collector!
    14. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you Bruce99!
    15. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you Speedwaypicker.
    16. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you Salles!
    17. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you collector4evr.
    18. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you Manikan!
    19. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you timetravelar!
    20. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you ttomtucker!
    21. Braveheart1954 Braveheart1954, 12 years ago
      Work of art! to have it!!!
    22. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you Braveheart1954, dinoman, kaiserlives, sugargirl, and speedwaypicker for the love and comments.
    23. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thank you sugargirl!
    24. lovevintage lovevintage, 12 years ago
      I grew up drinking rc cola.. Brought back some memories...

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