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G.K. Proctor photographer murdered 1882 by wife

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (476 items)

    This very old Tintype is mounted on a card 2 1/5" by 4" This is an unknown man and unmarked was in a album from 1880s we have here at home. the great story is the photographer was murdered by his wife in 1882 and he invented this.
    Patent Number 83,545 In 1868, George K. Proctor of Salem, Massachusetts was awarded a patent for a photographic room. The room was designed in the shape of an elongated oval, which reflected light toward the center of the room. The room was lighted artificially through a magnesium flame. Photographs could be taken with a 15 second exposure, day or night.

    Salem, Mass., Feb 2. -- The police this afternoon arrested Mrs. Proctor for the murder of her husband, George K. Proctor, on July 27, 1882, on a capias, the Grand Jury having found an indictment. Mr. Proctor was found unconscious in his cellar, and it was at first thought to be paralysis, but an autopsy showed that he had a bullet in his brain. Detectives have worked on the case since, resulting in this arrest.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Nice image and GREAT story.

      I would think that this image dates from the very early years of his patent based on the format and style of clothing.

    2. filmnet filmnet, 12 years ago
      Yes if this is from 1860-1870 he must be some famous guy, he looks like 70 yrs old born during the revolution war. We live just north of Boston, actually my wifes family goes back to Israel Putham, Nathan was wounded his brother Perley Putham was killed by British.Nathan is connected to my wifes family The minute men attacked them as they were coming back to Boston and the battle of Lexington. 7 men were killed from Danver's Ma here is there website

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