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Bertil Vallien Green Bottle Vase

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Scandinavian Art Glass1064 of 1468Bertil Vallien "Blå Serien" (Blue Series) salt shaker and jar for Afors/Bodascandinavian set
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (62 items)

    I am not so much a fan of what Bertil Vallien did later - his lying faces, his art nouveau-like vases seem a little kitschy to me. But I like his earlier designs like this green bottle vase which stand 16 cm high. I like its slightly irregular form in combinationwith a rather dark green and a very shiny glass quality. It's very beautiful when the light shines through and yet so modest. I like also the way the neck is pasted to the body. I know that he did these bottles in several colors. I saw them in white and in light blue.

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    1. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 12 years ago
      I totally agree with you about Vallien. His first glass work, design glass, is so much intderesting than his arty stuff for Kosta Boda. I've got three jugs like the one you show on your other Valien post (pic. No.4) and a little Raibow vase (with an amazing marble-like texture), and his blue series is amazing -the jugs and bottles are truly beautiful- but not all that kitsch stuff. In fact Vallien is now more know as an artist than as a designer.

      Anyway, I love his Metropolis seires... it is so 80s!
    2. cobaltcobold cobaltcobold, 12 years ago
      Oh, I never saw this! Pas mal. But I have to say. Even if I like somtimes more strange designs like the ones of Nanny Still, I stay a modernist.
    3. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 12 years ago
      Mmm, sticking to your principles! haha! I like more those pieces with a simple design in shape or those that express all the quality of good and honest glassworking. I guess thechnically Vallien's Metropolis belong to the last category in spite of their shape... but I totally agree with you about "keeping a modernist" :)

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