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juts got this today help

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (52 items)

    only got this today going get working on it,i know its a compressor i think a saylor beall ??????????? i dont have a clue about it ,but it works perfect,hope to run it of my lister d engine can ye help me out here with any info ye might have on it i,e, age i would be very greatful ,thanks anthony

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      All it needs is a wax-job.
    2. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      i taught about how to clean it ,was going sand blast maybe ?????
    3. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      Have you started cleaning it up yet?
    4. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      no not yet ,im hopeing to find somebody with a sand blaster,i dont know where to start on it,as theres a lot of brass and copper fittings on it ,i dont want to damage it,would ya have any ideas,or info on it for me ,i cant find out how old it is???? ANTHONY
    5. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      Don't sand blast anything that is aluminum, or brass those metals are too soft & the sand will embed itself in them.
      I would start by removing the compressor unit itself & clean it by hand.
      It looks like it is missing filters on the intake, the holders are there but there should be a fine screen in them at least.
      Whats on the name plate on the cart?
      Is their any ID plates on the compressor unit itself.

    6. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      ahh ok thanks for that,it says saylor beall on the cart,theres numbers on the compresser,i cant read will try later theres lots of oil caps as well on it,
    7. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      sorry would you have a picture of them filters ,as i dont know what they look like,and i feel like a begger here,how much oil do i put in to it ???? thanks again anthony,
    8. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      I did a quick search but a model number would help.
    9. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      hi there im back,this is what i found on the plate,there are a couple more letters on the compressor its self,but here ya go hope ya can help me,it says
    10. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      I'm sure it should be MFG short for manufacturing.
    11. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      59OK- p1122 was that on the cart or compressor & what are the other numbers you mention?
    12. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      o im sorry the numbers,are of the plate on the cart,the other number, are on the compressor, i think they could be D 10 MAYBE ???
    13. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      They did make a model D, if so there should be a serial number on the compressor, it should be four digit number starting with a 5 & preceded by a W, so it would look like W- 5???
      What is the diameter of the large flywheel/pulley on the compressor?
      What is the horse power of the motor?
    14. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      hi again ,this is what i can see ,hope im right,on the compressor itself,
      on the motor its G/E COMPANY, MODEL 5KC 73AB 191A
      TYPE KC
      HP 3/4
    15. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      I'm waiting on a response to an email I sent for some info for you.

    16. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      thanks David your been very helpful,anthony
    17. Bikenstein Bikenstein, 12 years ago
      You might want to try vapor blasting.
      It doesn't work as well on castings as media blasting but it's great for other parts and won't damage them. Also soda blasting could be an alternative. Love the old compressor
    18. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      I contacted a local dealer, the email I sent him is being forwarded to Saylor Beall, head office in the US but they are closed till next week.
    19. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      thank cant wait to here back from you,
    20. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      I contacted the local dealer again today, & his inquiries to Saylor Beall head office were in vain.
      If it's not in a computer they don't know what it is.
      On the air intakes install layers of screen to keep out the dirt & dust.
      As for oil in the crankcase use a straight 30 weight non detergent motor oil.
      DO NOT use a multi grade!
      Fill with oil to the center line of the crankshaft.

      Good luck & show us some picture when you get it hooked up to the Lister.
    21. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      thanks ye are so good helping out here on this stite,as for the air intakes i cut the toes out of me wifes panty hose,come to think of it they look better on the compresser,
    22. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      You're welcome brassnut, glad to help out, or at least try.
      I hope your wife knows about her panty hose, or it could be cause for some cursing when she goes to put them on.
    23. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      happy xmas to ye all from ireland ye are all very helpful.
    24. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      Merry Christmas, brasnut.
    25. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      well hows ye all any one head over to the green land this year on yer holidays gis a shout
    26. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      I wish I was, my great grandfather was from Ireland.
    27. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      hows ye doin,where in ireland did yer g,g father come from
    28. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      We're doing fine here, he was born in Schull or Skull, County Cork.

      Hows ye doin?

    29. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      hi all im back after many weeks, missed this site so much,any news,,,,,
    30. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      No news from this location brassnut, did you get that thing hooked up to the Lister & pumping some air?
    31. jowejowe, 12 years ago
      Lovely compressor Brassnut, if you need any thing sandblasted just let me know and I will get it done for you at no cost whatever. I would think the compressor would look fantastic if it was stripped cleaned and painted. The other guy who said about sandblasting the copper and aluminium is dead right it would destroy them. Take care.
    32. brassnut brassnut, 12 years ago
      any idea of the tank size ?? what it hold ie,

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