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Nanny Still

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Scandinavian Art Glass1029 of 1435PAUL KEDELV FLYGSFORS 1954Found it!!
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (256 items)

    Nanny still for Riihimäen lasi a purple vase 20 cm high ,
    base 6 cm, and top 10 cm.great color and i like how the edge folds around pic 3

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    1. artislove artislove, 12 years ago
      lovely shape and colour!
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      How did they do it? I know it's probably simple, but it just gets me wondering .....
    3. kisslikeether kisslikeether, 12 years ago
      Is this piece signed? Do you know the pattern number? as I haven't been able to find it.
    4. kisslikeether kisslikeether, 12 years ago
      Indeed Bellin! I have to admit when I first saw it she didn't come to mind.
    5. vlkma238412 vlkma238412, 12 years ago has a bowl same color same edge, a vase same color same edge a smaller wider cilinder vase ( like mine ) same color same edge, and they have mine . they have them as nanny still ( all not signed )
      I bought it at Huuto as nanny still if you think its someone else let me know cause im thinking about buying the bowl and the vase.
      I dont mind who did it cause the color and the edge are great
    6. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 12 years ago
      I love it! (that's why I have a simmilar one :) ) I also have the big jug for this series... amazing!
    7. vlkma238412 vlkma238412, 12 years ago
      is it nanny still Austrohungaro
    8. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 12 years ago
      Of course it is! It belongs to the Ametisti series. This series doesn't appear at the Nanny Still "guide" inside the Ilmatar book, but it appears as made in the 1950s in another book. The sweries consists of a couple of vases, a big jug, two smaller ones (I have seen what looks like stackable ones, but at least one of them could also be a creamer) and one or more bowls... The book it's at my place, so I cannot take pics now to show you, but I will try and do it soon!
    9. cobaltcobold cobaltcobold, 12 years ago
      Fantastic. She is the best of them all.

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