Posted 12 years ago
(348 items)
This advertising card with actual albumen photographs appeared in the January 9, 1885 issue of Anthony’s Photographic Bulletin. It was a very effective way to demonstrate the quality of photographic outfits by inserting these types of cards into publications of various types or mailing samples to interested photographers.
The two ‘instantaneous’ images of a sail boat were taken with Anthony’s Detective camera using Stanley Dry Plates and printed on Anthony’s N.P.A albumen paper. In the 1880s, ‘instantaneous’ photography was somewhat new and referred to the ability to make exposures in fractions of a second.
Thanks Phil and eye4beauty!
Thanks, Sean!
Thanks, Phil!
Thanks eye4beauty and walksoftly!
Thanks, officialfuel!
Thanks, miKK0!
Thanks, Hunter!
Thanks, bratjdd!