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Black Velvet ... if you please...

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paulsidney's loves5 of 6Old toy car Two Door Nomad Dodge, or  Chyrsler
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    This is my nasty little ( ha ) '67 Lincoln, I'm not sure this is what FoMoCo had in mind when they said "Come Live the Lincoln Life" but its certainly my idea. My friend and I purchased this from a kid in the middle of nowhere Minnesota, and dragged it back through a gggrrruuueelling 26 drive of 18+ inches of snow, it was the worst haul ever! But its come full circle and has fullfilled our hopes, it make people nervous ..... :) The thing that kills us is it was rumoured to belong to Farrah Fawcett's parents??? How do we prove that?

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. Dan-KE6FRI Dan-KE6FRI, 14 years ago
      Right down to the suicide doors...SWEET!
    2. Madbalrog, 14 years ago
      do a title search on it to look up previous owners. sure is a sweet looking ride, a friend of mine has a '64 4 door Lincoln ,it's like riding in a cloud floating down the road.
    3. arizonapicker91 arizonapicker91, 14 years ago
    4. officialfuel officialfuel, 14 years ago
      Remember Animal House. Was this the same year of car in the movie?
    5. Vontrike Vontrike, 14 years ago
      Google search says that the Animal House car was a 64. Love D-day in the movie.
    6. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      I hope you spent as much time on the mechanicals as the body, looks very nice !

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