Posted 12 years ago
(1005 items)
Here is the 1937 CCC District #3, Third Corps Area Yearbook. This book chronicled the camps of the district, and had the names and group photos of its members and administrators.
Thee CCC helped ease the pain of the Great Depression for young American males, as it provided meaningful work, a structured environment, and much needed pay for a large number of citizens.
From its pictures and descriptions, the CCC looks as if was modeled after military life. Thus, the CCC may have also prepared the youth of America for the upcoming War.
Not only was the CCC modeled after military life-- it actually had military running it. The camps were usually commanded by Regular US Army Officers with a contingent of Non Comissioned Officers to assist (1SG, Supply SGT, etc...).
Thanks, Scott....your input is appreciated! It's good that such historical things are remembered, and your info gives more insight into the CCC's organization and administration.
Thank you all for your loves of these photos!
Hi Ted
My uncle was in the CCC "camps" (he called them) as a teenager & one of his jobs was to pick gypsy moths off trees. Nice post