Posted 12 years ago
(321 items)
Does anyone out there remember the "burp gun", I had one in the early fifty and I thought it was real cool. The Ping Pong Air Gun was invented by James K Pope on April 15, 1950 patent number 2,505,428. Mr Pope invention made him millions and he retired at the age of 27. The manufacture of the Ping Pong gun was Newell Corp. of Lowell MI.
I used to have a "burp gun"/"grease gun"/m-3 and it sure didn't look like that! Cheap but shot well at short range but not ping-pong balls.
Thank you blunderbuss2, Kevin, kerry10456, mustangtony
What a cool piece. Love the older toys
I had one in the mid or late 50's that shot ping pong balls. Didn't resemble this one but it sure made my sister mad. Well...........I needed a target. After my mother took it away I went back to a pea shooter.
Hey, sister's are fair game! If smaller than you.
Does anyone know how to repair them? I bought one for $100 and got ripped off- it won't shoot. (I believe the website operator never charged me though as she also thought I got gypped.) Would be willing to pay a reasonable price to get it working. Must be someone around who worked at that factory.
Bill in Cleveland
I had one of these ping pong ball shooters. I did not know that it was called a burp gun.... or maybe, I just forgot ..... long time ago don't you know!!