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    Posted 7 years ago

    (199 items)

    And don't want to ! .22 mag. ! That has to hurt the hand ! Going thru my mind if I ever have to draw this, is going to be,"Buddy, please don't make me shoot you !! It probably will hurt me as much as you !". That .22 mag. is a B of a round ! Firing instructions: Load each cylinder, reinstall cylinder and hand it to somebody else to fire. They are comfortable to carry, as you don't know it's there.
    For those not into protection of self & others, this is the North Amer. Arms stainless revolver with the shortest barrel. They come in .22 short, .22 long & .22 mag.. Beautifully made little guns.
    Poor substitute for my .380 Browning but safer than dialing 911 while up here.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Wouldn't want a face off with you !~
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      I would be the one with his eyes closed & grimacing in anticipation. Know anybody who has fired one ? I notice that they have shallow rifling, which would cut down a bit on recoil, but not enough for me.
      Well Phil, got a piece of roof at home & should be there 1st week in Dec.. Refugee-ism sucks !
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Yeah - I get your dilemma, and I hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel !~
    4. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      It would probably bite. People don't realize that firearms tend to draw a bit of blood from the user. I'm not even sure how you would hold that thing. That and there is no trigger guard.
    5. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      Fits in your man bag well, or boot.
    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      States that issue concealed-carry lic.'s are getting more I more applications seem to be passing them out easier. (I got one, so it must be easier) Sane lic. issuance seems to reason that it is wise to give lic.'s to responsible people to protect themselves & others. People who don't like it can move to LA, Detroit, NYC, Cjicago etc., where only criminals have guns & they don't issue lic.'s.
    7. StillRockinPdX, 7 years ago
      I love those little North American Arms mini revolvers. They can be rather accurate at a distance too.
    8. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Really, StillRock ? How bad is the mag. on the hand ? If you can get any accuracy, you must not be anticipating
    9. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 7 years ago
      Had a NAA 45 good gun,.. interchangeable barrels ...but now just use J frame S&W 38's and a Ruger LCP in the pocket....nice post
    10. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Still rather be holding my Browning when I pop a cap.
    11. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 7 years ago
      well i'm a great fan o shotguns. just tend to stick out of my pockets
    12. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Not to mention how hard it is to find a belt holster for a shotgun.
    13. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 7 years ago
      LOL ..I guess it depends how short it is //
    14. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      I've heard that theory about the size of a man's gun relating to parts of his anatomy. Well girls, here I am !!! LOL !
    15. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 7 years ago
      Too much information blunderbuss2 lol
    16. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Loumanal, I wasn't going to mention my Civil War cannon. LOL !
    17. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 7 years ago
      I keep a 38 by the bed loaded with hydra shock hollow points. When I go out I just carry a taser. Although at my age I am tending to lean toward a sawed off shot gun for home. Leaves a mess but doesn't miss close range.
    18. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      Gee I would hate to run into anyone of you in a dark alley . Everyone is carrying deadly weapons . So nice to see you fhr ! and BB2 hope your next post isn't your cannon !
    19. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Judging by what I see & read since I've been in the States, there need to be more trained & armed citizens out there. Like it or not, everywhere is becoming the front line.
    20. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      Yep all the people I know her including women carry now BB2 . A person almost has to with all the craziness going on .
    21. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 7 years ago
      blunder you are 100% right. Training isn't a requirement. I firmly believe everyone should be required to go through shoot - don't shoot training just like we did at the police academy. I have been a master hunter safety instructor for over 40 years and it is amazing how many people want to carry and hunt but will load a weapon and look down the muzzle to see it there is a bullet there. Say safety and they think of sex. Amazing world we have now.
    22. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      In Wi you have to go to training to carry
    23. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 7 years ago
      Manikin - What part of Texas is WI in? I can't find it on the map?? Must be a small place.
    24. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      In KY, they require a course. (8 hrs.!) Of the 12 in my class, 8 were women. Not sure why I got my lic., since it won't be honoured in St. Maarten.
    25. akrodog akrodog, 7 years ago
      Looks like something a pirate would carry in his boot! Where's your cutlass?!
    26. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Nick, you know I have a cutlass ! It's boxed up for shipping. Out of KY Thurs. !! Home before Xmas !
    27. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      Yay your going home before winter winds blow bb2 ! Great news :-)

      fhr it is in SW corner of Tx lol , I wish anyway
    28. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 7 years ago
      I cant be leave your going to run away from all this

      Manikin... what are you doing hanging around dark alleys... '-00
    29. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Roycroft, and all this time, I thought Black Ice was a rap group in Detroit. If anybody is watching weather satellite of KY Thurs. and sees a dust cloud over Lexington, that's me leaving ! While watching that video, I had to put on another coat ! If humans are the only animals that can reason, what is their reason for living in climes like this ?!!
    30. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 7 years ago
      Lucas ...when your snug as a bug on your rock think of us up here playing ...smiling
    31. NutfieldHistory NutfieldHistory, 7 years ago
      Here in NH we now have constitutional carry, so you can carry from Vermont to New Hampshire to Maine without any permit.
    32. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Nutfield, you have gun laws now based on reasonable study, instead of wimp emotions ? Almost beyond comprehension. Next thing you know, maybe your media will quit hiding the instances where legal gun carriers stop crimes. Maybe there, I'm hoping for too much. Happy Holidays !
    33. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Notice the change in count above.
    34. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Roy, I just went back & played your video about the snow plough. Thanks. It will save on my power bill. I set my thermostat higher on my airco ! LOL !
    35. MyCountry MyCountry, 7 years ago
    36. MyCountry MyCountry, 7 years ago
      Hmmmm just picked up a box of 550 federal 22 lr 36 gr mvuz vel 1260 fts copper plated hollow points ... for only $19.95 LOL ......will have to get another box next week smiling... hows things going on the rock ....?
    37. Collectables59 Collectables59, 7 years ago
      Guns to to us Brits are a mystery with a touch of excitement and maybe some jealousy. Because we have never been aloud to own one ( unless you are a farmer) creates either a willingness to own one or a total rejection on having one. Neil
    38. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      Things are so so on the Rock. My business was blown away & I'm temporarily classified as a Professional Tourist. One hangar has been rebuilt & hoping rent some space for my equip.. Collectables, from what I see going on in the States, maybe it's not to late to surrender to the Crown. LOL ! If the Crown couldn't prise guns out of their hands, they would tax them out of existence ! Guns sure beat darts ! Do you have drive-by dart-ings there ? LOL ! When are they going to straighten out CW ?
    39. Manikin Manikin, 7 years ago
      Staff is trying to get notices coming to us BB2 :-) in mean time we have to just keep looking for each others replies . It went from winter here to needing AC in a week lol
      Try and stay out of trouble if you can as a tourist <wink> xoxo
    40. MyCountry MyCountry, 7 years ago
      Well I guess the only good thing about that storm was weren't there .... and you got to keep your leg ....So life ain't so bad ,,,, '-0 just, SO SO
    41. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 7 years ago
      They just announced today that debris pickup from Irma will end this week. I lost two great oak trees. One was over 150 years old. Still don't have the back of the house totally fixed but darn near. Gearing up for this year. I have a stock pile of LP for my generator, gas for the tractor, over 100 meals, cases of water, 19 cases of beer, 25 pounds of bird food. I hope I am ready. I won't mention my defense system, none of their business.
    42. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      I'm getting tired of waiting Mani. "Let's go kill something !". (for those familiar with the joke). My Country, I escaped McDonald's Land before those doc's killed me ! Everybody says I look a lot better. Now fhr, we are still picking up after Luis in '95 & "Wrong Way Lenny in '99. LOL ! Sounds like you got hit pretty bad. Now, about "defense". You going to defend self & family by throwing bird seed & beer ? LOL ! I like the feeling of having my Browning close by. On the 8th day, God created 9 m/m !
    43. Lata Lata, 7 years ago
      Cool guns!

      As a Portuguese, i dont get the need for civilians to have firearms, here in this little corner of Europe, only Cops and Army personal have firearms, ocasionally some farmer has a shotgun, or a hunter has a riffle, civilian guns are really rare, even among criminals, and i hope it stays this way.

      on a side note, i love the objects themselves (but not what they represent)
    44. MyCountry MyCountry, 7 years ago
    45. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 7 years ago
      I have a healthy respect for a .22, especially after being with somebody who died after being shot with one. They were hit twice in the shoulder & both bullets ricocheted after hitting bone & died while we were trying to find the bullets. I also have a healthy respect for my hand & that's why I have never fired any of these tiny guns. These aren't target guns, which is the type of shooting I like. I carried one of these for a year & prayed I would never be put in a position to have to use it. My prayers were for MY hand !
    46. Ize Ize, 6 years ago
      I had one of these with the belt buckle it clipped into and it was actually quite easy to shoot. They are super cool and I wish I never got rid of mine!
    47. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      Ize, I've been shooting for 64 yrs and do it because I enjoy it. I've only had to pull the trigger once that wasn't enjoyable. To me these are just too small to enjoy shooting. I don't like shooting anything that hurts my shoulder or hand. It didn't hurt your hand?
    48. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Ruger LCP would be a great choice for an alternative to this. I forget I have mine with me. More rounds, more power, double action, easy to conceal, etc. Now, one of my 9x18 pistols feels like a full size 1911 to me in comparison.
    49. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
    50. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 5 years ago
      Wonder if the shooter in the video has that thing glued to his hand ? LOL !
    51. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      I think those rubber grips make a big difference.
    52. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 5 years ago
      I'm sure they do. Notice one I have pictured has larger grips. Still never had a desire to shoot it. That guy must have a grip of steel, and it's a mag. too !

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