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Crystal Dishes from a Friend

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Cut Glass360 of 550 GLASS BOWL WITH ECTHEDING ON IT.American Cut Glass
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (36 items)

    About 2 weeks ago a facebook friend I have never met in person mailed me all these crystal pieces and the one old blue carnival dish !! She said most of these were her mothers and she wanted me to have them. Someone has already identified the blue carnival as very old. She mailed some more but sorry to say the crystal plates were broken . I live in Texas and she mailed them from Washington state. She's a very nice person, and I am blessed to have her as a friend. Two candy dishes, 2 sets of small creamers & sugar bowl, 1 large sugar bowl, an oblong crystal platter with poinsetta's on the bottom, and 2 butter dishes I suppose that match the two small creamer's and sugar bowl. I have no idea about any of it except it is very pretty!

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    1. debbiepike54 debbiepike54, 12 years ago
      I added in some more pictures, but it is so hard to get good pictures of crystal. I tried several setting's on my camera.
    2. markallencincy, 12 years ago
      The creamer/sugar/tray on the leftin the first picture are either Fostoria American or the Indiana glass copy of them. The creamer/sugar/tray on the right I think are an Imperial pattern, maybe Fostoria
    3. debbiepike54 debbiepike54, 12 years ago
      Thanks Mark ! I appreciate you identifying them.
    4. debbiepike54 debbiepike54, 12 years ago
      Thanks Mustang, I will look that one up when I have more time !
    5. tablefullofmemories tablefullofmemories, 12 years ago
      The footed candy dish with the pointed finial on the lid is the Wexford pattern by Anchor Hocking. The baking dish is the from Fantasia collection by Princess House.
    6. debbiepike54 debbiepike54, 12 years ago
      Tablefull..thank you so much for this information !
    7. tablefullofmemories tablefullofmemories, 12 years ago
      You are very welcome. I'm delighted to help!
    8. Paul71 Paul71, 12 years ago
      Debbie, The sugar on the far right by itself is Imperial's No. 555 sugar. Was originally marketed as part of their Nucut line ca. 1911, was reissued as "Collector's Crystal" beginning in the 1960s. Reissues will be marked IG, early issue NuCut. Some items were produced into the 1930s and may not be marked.
    9. renoir911 renoir911, 12 years ago
      Isn't this a wonderful place to show these beauties Debra ? Lots of knowledgeable people here to provide valuable information. Amazing what Paul found out!
    10. debbiepike54 debbiepike54, 12 years ago
      Thank you Paul, I really appreciate your help ! Paul helps me quite often.
      Thanks Ren! There are some very informative people here.
    11. Paul71 Paul71, 12 years ago
      welcome, Debbie!

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