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1864 A. Lincoln/A. Johnson Ferrotype

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (3 items)

    I believe this item was used before political buttons were used. The "charm" like item contains real pictures of the President and his VP. The item is 1". I found this in a shop in PA while on one of my usual runs of my favorite shops. Tucked away was this piece of history. It is one of the older political items I have. Definitely a gem in my collection, from what I understand there are not many of these however I cannot find much information about it.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      A great item for political/ Lincoln/ Civil War collectors.

      This was used to show support for Lincoln during the 1864 Election. The Lincoln image looks to be from a lithograph, while the Johnson looks to be a "from life" image.

      These are very desirable! Thanks for sharing.

    2. FishOnFindsLLC FishOnFindsLLC, 12 years ago
      Thank you Scott! That's what we thought about the pictures, its in amazing condition.

      Fish on my friend...

      Shannon V
      Owner, Fish On Finds LLC
    3. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Great find FishOnFindsLLC!

    4. FishOnFindsLLC FishOnFindsLLC, 12 years ago
      Thanks AR! Yes, you are correct from what I have been reading. That is the larger one. There were five types made for the re-election in 1864. This one is the smaller one not the one with the writing around rim, it has that in the picture. There are ones from the 1860 and 1864 elections. Thank you it sounds like the one that I keep pulling up. I just got a response from an auction house implicating that it is what you guys suggested.

      I actually just found this on the net (btw i just copied and pasted so the caps and all that are from the original article):

      The major auction houses like Heritage Historical Signature auctions have recorded about ten Lincoln/Hamlin campaign tokens sold over the past five years. A Lincoln/Johnson 1864 Campaign token, ONLY ONE! And, that one is not even as rare as this token which has the "bearded Lincoln" image but has printed on the token "FOR PRESIDENT 1864" then on the ferrotype image "A. Lincoln" and on the reverse, "FOR VICE PRESIDENT 1864" , then on the image “A. Johnson”. The single 1864 campaign token that appeared on the market about 4 years ago did NOT have "FOR PRESIDENT” printed on it and it only had “Lincoln” without the first initial. This may be one of the very few of it’s kind in existence!
    5. FishOnFindsLLC FishOnFindsLLC, 12 years ago
      tyvm OF, fish on my friend!

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