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My Dad and The USS TERN (AM-31) On Dec 7, 1941

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (321 items)

    My dad (John) was assigned to the USS Tern after boot camp in 1939. The Pacific fleet was moved from San Pedro, CA to Hawaii in June 1940. On Dec 7, 1941 my dad was walking over to the USS Helena to meet up with a buddy of his, they had plans to go to Pearl City that day. John started up the gangplank of the Helena when he heard machine gun fire from the Japanese torpedo bombers. All hell broke loose and he headed back to the Tern with was moored at the end of 1010 dock. He boarded the Tern and
    started firing the ships 30 caliber Lewis machine gun. The Tern was credited with shooting down one plane. photo 3 the USS TERN putting out fires on the USS West Virginia.

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    1. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 12 years ago
      Thank you mustangtony, vetraio50
    2. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 12 years ago
      Thank you Kevin
    3. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      Your dad's story really brings these static images too life, thanks for sharing!
    4. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 12 years ago
      walksoftly, Thank you for you comment
    5. walksoftly walksoftly, 12 years ago
      Most welcome!
    6. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 12 years ago
      Wonderful photos, and a vivid account of a brave man and country under attack!!!
    7. Beckham, 12 years ago
      A very good friend was on the Tern December 7th, John A Hein was a neighbor and friend in California.
    8. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 12 years ago
      Beckham, Are we are talking about same Commander John Hein, he was on the Tern with my dad. John Hein was then a Signal 1st class and was promoted to warrant officer (Boatswain) around 1938. He was considered an older sailor since he had joined the Navy in 1926 and retired in 1957. He lived a long life passing on in 1996 and is buried at Riverside National Cemetery.
    9. lundy lundy, 12 years ago
      that s great ,
    10. Militarist Militarist, 12 years ago
      Neat!! He looks like the young man on the 77 Sunset Strip tv show of many years ago.
    11. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 12 years ago
      Militarist, Do you mean Kookie, Kookie, lead me your comb. Edd Byrnes
    12. Militarist Militarist, 12 years ago
      Yes that's the name!! Thanks
    13. Neelyp, 8 years ago
      My uncle, Major Neely, was also stationed on the turn. He was an African-American and therefore, was assigned as a cook and was in the kitchen during the battle. He reports that he was surprised that there would be military exercises scheduled on a Sunday on December 7. He went out to look at because he began to hear a commotion on the ship and reported that he saw men running down to hide in the hull of the ship. Caught up in the mêlée he was pushed up on deck and had to take on one of the guns and said he just started shooting indiscriminately in the air. He witnessed the explosion of the Arizona, docked 75 yards away. His ship became rescue ship and he survived but was mentally shaken by the experience.
    14. Bfaria866 Bfaria866, 8 years ago
      My great great grandfather was Lt. R.W Dillard, I have been doing research on him, and have found very limited info on his history in the military. My grandmother shared a photo with me of the USS Tern and all of the men that were on board, I was wondering if anybody can identify any of the individuals?
    15. Schnauzer1, 4 years ago
      My dad also served on the USS Tern. However, at the time of Pearl Harbor attacks he was still in high school. I believe he served on the ship from 1943 through the end of the war. At the time of Pearl Harbor the USS Tern was a minesweeper and was later reconfigured as an ocean tug - changing its designation from AM-31 to ATO-31. My dad served on the ship during its life as an ocean tug.
    16. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 4 years ago
      Schnauzer1, My dad had left the Tern right after Pearl Harbor. He was assigned to the USS Preble DD-345 and then assigned to the USS Medusa AR-1. From there he was assigned to Naval Ammunition Depot 137 at Brisbane, Australia.
    17. olds67, 4 years ago
      My Dad was also on us tern am 31 on the day of the attack . He signed up in 1940 so he must of known John Tucker . I'm even more curious now since I've seen this . Happy to meet you all .
    18. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 4 years ago
      olds67, He had to know your dad there were only 100 sailors on the Tern. My was assigned to the Tern in 1939 right out of basic training. At that time by dad was a gunner's mate 3rd class. he retired a chief mineman in 1959.
    19. olds67, 4 years ago
      I have some old signs also .I'd like to chat .exchange info on the uss tern .can leave a number if ya want .

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