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Parents 1920`s sleeper sofa & two chair set

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    We recently received a matched set of two chairs & sofa sleeper from a good friend as a finishing touch for our 'vintage room' and would like some information about them . What I know is his Parents recieved this set as a wedding gift in the early twentys, the fabric appears to be some type of mohair fabric and the sofa is very heavy. Any info is appreciated. Thank you!

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    1. Picking-and-Collecting Picking-and-Collecting, 14 years ago
      Do you know what the cushions and back are stuffed with? At one time I had a very similar couch from the same period and it was stuffed with horse hair.
    2. Chapeldreamer Chapeldreamer, 14 years ago
      I can't help you on the info you were seeking but I just wanted to tell you that seeing this furniture reminded me of when I would go to my grandma's house every Sunday. She had a set like this only I believe hers was green. Talk about a trip down memory lane. Glad you posted it.
    3. Bob, 13 years ago
      This is a Kroehler set from the 20's. You can see magazine ads for sale on Ebay for this exact set 1923-1929.

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