Posted 14 years ago
(95 items)
Bought this bike around 15 yrs ago. It was covered in house paint. Over the following years I restored it to it's former glory...Well, almost...I still need to get the horn tank re-chromed.
1949 Schwinn Black Phantom Bicycle | ||
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Posted 14 years ago
(95 items)
Bought this bike around 15 yrs ago. It was covered in house paint. Over the following years I restored it to it's former glory...Well, almost...I still need to get the horn tank re-chromed.
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Nice restoral on the black phantom, that's a keeper.
Thought I'd bring this to the top again as an act of shameless self promotion...
As much as those things are worth I would be afraid to ride it!
You know what? It's the nicest riding bicycle I've ever been on. It's only drawback is that it weighs 60 or so pounds with all it's D cel batteries installed...LOL.... They aren't worth what they once were...
I had a hand me down Schwinn when I was a kid. That thing fell on me I knew it. After that we went to the sting rays. They don't make seats like those big old Schwinn's anymore
What a great example for anyone wanting to restore one ! And they were not called seats but saddles !
Thanks for all the wonderful comments! We love the old bike. Every time I think about selling it my family protests so loudly you'd think I was talking about getting rid of the dog.
I want to take this one for a ride its great I have a bike collection.Nice to see you like my toys too thanks
You're welcome to ride it anytime!
Don't tease me ?
So when can I take this gem for a ride? I have a rollfast and some sting rays and others but .This is a keeper for sure.
Right now it's parked on the porch...enclosed porch that is... We'll break er out soon as the weather turns nice! You should post all your bikes!!
Yes Some are in another large storage building in asheville.I have one in a window downstairs I will take pic.Im going to open the shop today.We need money.( Sisters Row will be open today)Thanks for chat toolate2
Just purchased a 1957 black phantom from the original owner.Trying to duplicate the one i had in 1952. Bike needs rear reflector,new decal on one tank.and a small dent in front and rear fender (small).Not that i am going to sell it but the question is. Should i make the repairs or leave alone? Value wise would it hurt it or help it.Bike has been inside,heated storage per original owner and is in great shape.S/N C0105,1957? Whats the opinion? Thanks, Chet.
Chet, The "repairs" you're talking about are so minor they probably wouldn't effect the value either way. I would suggest doing whatever makes you feel good. New decals are always good! Above all, ride it and enjoy it!!
Cool Ride, cooler that it gets rode
cool bike
Old schwinns are great
when you get them they are all rough(my tiger is a good example) but they are all diferent
mind if i ask how much the restoration cost? did you do the work yourself or took it to someone?
I did everything myself. I have about $600.00 tied up in the bike. Thanks for asking!
This thing keeps floating back up. Thanks for the love guys!! I'll take more pictures and post them...
Beautiful bike. I bought one in 1954 from a friend for $50.00....
rode it 3 years. Sold it for $35.0, and bought a Harley for $50.00...
those were the good ole' days..........
Beautiful , love to take her for a spin !
Thanks metalman!
Stunning !! I have a picture of my Dad at 10yrs old in 1949 1st year on his Phantom. Awesome Bike !!!
That sir is one sharp work of art the lines and all the chrome just make me drool. Schwinn hit a home run with that bike. You are lucky to have such a piece of American history.
I have a 1962 Schwinn American with the two speed bendix hub that I have restored but your phantom is king of the road. Nice job.
Thanks for the comment you have done a nice job on your phantom looks great.
Now, this is a ride.Some people might walk a mile but not with this one.It's a knockout!
Thanks guys!
My new favorite screen name... Thanks Purpleisafruit6!!
A true thing of beauty! You have done a great job toolate2!
I agree. It's a classic! Thanks!!
Love that Phantom! Had one for years. Front Bendix hand brake & all. Washed & waxed every week. Haven't had a comfy saddle since. Great work---take good care of her.
This bike originally had the Schwinn "Fore Wheel Drum Brake" you're talking about but I took it off and replaced it with a period Schwinn hub. The original had asbestos brake shoes and that kind of freaked me out a bit.... Cool thing though. It worked just like an automotive drum brake. I sold it on ebay for $300.00
Very nice job with it. It looks great enjoy!!!
Thanks Miss Mani...
Thanks for the love Shughs!!
thats a dandy
Thanks Van!!!
Thanks timetraveler!!!
Thanks elayem!!!
Awesome bike!!!!
Thanks Echo_Delta!!!
Thanks spriteboy42!!
Thank you Mr. Tucker!!!
Thanks again Nick!
Thanks for the love elayem0110!!
Wondefful find!
Thanks Buick55... and you too MMM!!!
By the way, this makes great wallpaper! I have it on my home and work computers...
wow very nice job!!!!
Thanks artislove!!
Thank you bratt and tt for the love!!! Happy New Year Everybody!!!
Thanks crabbykins!!!
Thanks for the love Phil and ho2!!!
Thanks Brat!! You can ride it anytime you like!
that thing looks good..
Thanks n2bmn123!!
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Bob Thomas <> wrote:
Dear toolate2 I would like to find out more about the schwin phantom bike you found covered with house paint. Are you from Ohio? My husband thinks this might be his childhood bike as his older brother (was upset and wanted it moved) so he sprayed it with house paint and he thinks it was silver paint. Please send us any information regarding the history of the bike. Email address is Thank you.
Thanks Bell! schwinnphantom, I'm not in OH and it was painted sloppy
Thanks ho2cultcha!!
Thanks pops!!
I remember when that stuff was new,now it's distributed by? read it from right to left!
Hello birdie! Thanks for loving my old bike!!!
Thanks jimboothfinds!!!
Thanks kygurl32!!
Thanks walks and Antique Toys!!!!
I just picked up a 53 and I'm trying to find original parts, know anybody or any websites that sells them? Thanks ill post some pictures when I start the resto
Thanks DCB and macJ!! Mac, you might try They have an online catalogue but you may need to call them to inquire about NOS stuff.
Thanks again dirrtydavve!!!
Thanks SEAN68!!
Thanks charcoal for loving the old bike!!
Thanks Signaholic!!
Thanks geo26e!!
Thanks sanhardin!!
Thanks nuts and fortapache!!
Thanks agh and toolate2! Oh, wait a sec... That's me!! Nothing wrong with a little self
Thanks fortapache and ho2cultcha!!
Now thats when a bike was bike. GREAT JOB!
For a moment looking at your Black Phantom & the bricks on the floor.. I thought I was looking at mine. But yours is super cool original
I used to have a '34 Schwinn Aerocycle which I thought was the "ultimate. I recently found a 1900s Iver Johnson . But ...darn ...that
Phantom saddle has spoiled me for life. It's one of the most comfortable of all my bikes. Thanks for sharing !
Love to see these Black Phantoms. I have one too that has also been restored and is mostly original (few replaced parts)
Thanks for doing such a great job on your restoration and for sharing it with everyone. the way, mine is a 1953 model
Sundance and Buick55, Please post all your bikes! Everyone here would love to see them.... Thanks for the loves Buick55, Thadeauz, and jjsr!!
Thanks lundy!!
Going for a ride today.... Gotta haul the old girl out and dust her off a bit. I'm really looking forward to it!!
Awesome Bike!!!
Thanks USDA, charm, jscott0363, and Trey!!
Thanks Nicefice!!
Thanks Sundance!!!
Thanks Ho2!!
You better hope those antique road show guys never knock on your door with their pamphlet and charm your bike away.
It's really cool. Thanks for sharing it. :)
Thanks OneGoodFind! It's not going anywhere... I posted a few more images just showing some of the bikes details and where it's currently
Thanks SpiritBear and Rattletrap!!!
Nice , back in 1995 Schwinn made an exact copy of this bike. It sold new for $2995. They are collected today and bring $1200 to $3500 if you have the original shipping box. Your old one is more desirable but the copy is exact copy using all the original tooling.
Several years ago, prior to a local Schwinn shop closing, I purchased the
’95 Schwinn Deluxe Black Phantom ($650). Although I have a ‘50s original,
this was too good to pass.
In comparison, the original rides more comfortable for a heavyweight bike.
But with time & riding frequently...the newness or stiffness is making this a
fun bike to ride.
I appreciate the heaviness & simple one speed coaster brake. It gives me a good
workout. Plus I always receive positive feedback from folks who remember such
About the only thing is when some refer to these bikes as a “peewee herman”.
But, that’s probably because for them, all bikes look the same.
I once owned the Schwinn “Aerocycle”.
Nevertheless, it was still referred to as that peewee bike! ????
Thanks MarioZ, Coke1234, and my old friend Phil who probably "loved" this the day I posted it 5 years Yah Coke1234... that repro Schwinn did back in 1995 greatly devalued the originals as it flooded the market with "reproduction" parts and made it very hard to determine if a bike was all original or not. Mine isn't all original. It's wearing some of those "95" Schwinn authorized Mostly original though... And yes Sundance I hear that Pee Wee Herman comment all the time....
Thanks Nordicman32!!
Thanks Caperkid!!!
Thanks buckethead !!
Happy Holidays toolate2!!
A beauty!