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Some of my earliest memories were hearing the low bang of the rail cars connecting and train horns filling the night air. Being from a "train town", there was alwaysSome of my earliest memories were hearing the low bang of the rail cars connecting and train horns filling the night air. Being from a "train town", there was always the lure of the fading rails disapearing in the distance or the "clickity clack" of the cars gaining speed "where are they going?". I've plundered my fair share of abandoned storefronts and dilapidated barns, too. Grandpa had several sheds of tools and always had projects for every tool. If it has a story behind it... I'm interested. (Read more)


  1. Depending on your model year, there are two tabs on the back on opposite sides. When pressed it will allow you to open it. Or there is a slide trigger on the end where the strap is (usually under the ...
  2. There is a tab that says "KODAK" on the front. There is a serial number underneath it. Pull that tab to open.
  3. This an "Adlake" pressed steel switch lamp, model no. 169, with a fork mount. It's called a "lamp" because of the four lenses. Lanterns have globes. Adams and Westlake have made lamps since 1857, t...
  4. If you tell people that is the year it was made the value goes waaayyyy up! The model number for mine lamp is 1112, according to Lamps that Lit Our World (Hobson). The 1284 indicates the model nu...
  5. Thanks, man! All of that is helpful.
  6. Thank you Dottie, Officialfuel and Cis2you!
  7. Thanks, boxlunch. If you don't mind, give me a little information on this one. I'm not well educated as it applies to lunchboxes.
  8. Thanks, officialfuel
  9. thanks, jojomang
  10. thanks AR8Jason!
  11. the one that is the most expensive! (I'm not sure, I only see "NYC")
  12. Thanks!
  13. Donna, Are you sure it is the power cord? I would take it by an electrician and see what they think. I would imagine that finding a replacement cord is rare since it has a special end that attaches to...
  14. Being that it has a dark stain over it take a flashlight to it and see if it reveals anything.
  15. beautiful piece! is it for sale?
  16. Thanks Boxlunchkiller, Do you know where I can get this rated? ds1
  17. That is amazing! What is the story behind it? Where did you find it?
  18. Thanks Pop, this is an 8mm projector. I'll keep that in mind.
  19. Tony, I have a hard time finding anything on AMPRO projectors. I would imagine those pieces as spares parts are rare at best, if someone has them they probably have the projector too. The specs on...
  20. The serial number should be behind the Kodak tab that pulls out and serves to level the camera (pic 1 and 2). It is also shown in pic 4.
  21. This camera is beautiful! This is a helpful site for me in dealing with Kodak Cameras. http://www.kodak.com/global/en/consumer/products/techInfo/aa13/aa13.shtml Your camera is listed about 3/4 o...
  22. I have one very similar listed on my page. In the present condition you might get $150-$200 to the right buyer, but if you invest in it and have it restored the value could go up to $550-$750. sub...
  23. -it has a round top like DRESSEL lamps have.
  24. I appreciate that, YardSaleDave! I bought a book to try and identify it, becuase it is different from the Adlake Lamps I've seen before. The clasp is on a swivel and there are three post for the top i...
  25. Thanks fellas!
  26. See more


posted 3 months ago
posted 8 years ago
posted 11 years ago