Posted 12 years ago
(349 items)
Here are two more advertisements featuring Santa showing Premo folding cameras made by the Rochester Optical Company. These particular models were sold in the late 1890s.
I especially enjoy the first ad: "FATHER CHRISTMAS carries no more acceptable present than a PREMO Camera." Even today I would enjoy one of these cameras as a present.
Thanks, mustangtony!
Thanks, officialfuel!
Thanks, Phil! And yep ... Santa gets into all sorts of advertising. I'll be posting a Guinness poster with Santa and animal characters. That would be for adults ... no?
Thanks, spiritinthesky3!
Thanks Eric and Sean!
Thanks, walksoftly!
Thanks, Longings!
Thanks shughs and bratjdd!
Thanks, Phil!
Sean ... you also have a great holiday and thanks for all the great 'loves' and comments.
Thanks, Designer!
Thanks, Hardbrake!
Thanks, aghcollect and Sean!
Thanks, ron1939 and Manikin!
Thanks, Trey!
It's been four years since this post and Santa still loves old cameras. Happy Holidays! - Rob